Bibliographic Database
Six digit ID number of a record
Entry / Search possibilities:
Entry / Search possibilities:
- "B" (optional) + up to 6 digits
- fewer than 6 digits: the number will be completed by adding as many zeros as are necessary
- * finds all records
Name of the author / authors
Method of citation:
Surname, Christian name (in abbreviated letter form)
Search with Entry or Choice (Autocomplete)
Autocomplete is ordered by number of hits (shown in brackets), not alphabetically (first 20 hits); case-insensitive. If none of autocomplete entries is chosen (=> no number of results at the end of string like " (352)", if necessary remove it by hand) then the entry is truncated automatically (front & back).
Method of citation:
Surname, Christian name (in abbreviated letter form)
Search with Entry or Choice (Autocomplete)
Autocomplete is ordered by number of hits (shown in brackets), not alphabetically (first 20 hits); case-insensitive. If none of autocomplete entries is chosen (=> no number of results at the end of string like " (352)", if necessary remove it by hand) then the entry is truncated automatically (front & back).
Title of the article / monograph
Automatic truncation front/back; case-insensitive; special characters/diacritics (äöüé...) are ignored.
Automatic truncation front/back; case-insensitive; special characters/diacritics (äöüé...) are ignored.
Name of the Journal / Series / Festschrift / Congress Proceedings / Miscellany
Search with Entry or Choice (Autocomplete)
Autocomplete is ordered by number of hits (shown in brackets), not alphabetically (first 20 hits); case-insensitive. If none of autocomplete entries is chosen (=> no number of results at the end of string like " (352)", if necessary remove it by hand) then the entry is truncated automatically (front & back).
Search with Entry or Choice (Autocomplete)
Autocomplete is ordered by number of hits (shown in brackets), not alphabetically (first 20 hits); case-insensitive. If none of autocomplete entries is chosen (=> no number of results at the end of string like " (352)", if necessary remove it by hand) then the entry is truncated automatically (front & back).
Volume of the journal / the series / a multi volume book
The volume or fascicle number is only stated in the database, when the page numbers do not continue throughout.
No automatic truncation; if truncation is needed * can be added both front & end of search string.
The volume or fascicle number is only stated in the database, when the page numbers do not continue throughout.
No automatic truncation; if truncation is needed * can be added both front & end of search string.
Publication year of the book / Year of the journal
No automatic truncation; if truncation is needed * can be added both front & end of search string.
No automatic truncation; if truncation is needed * can be added both front & end of search string.
Total number of pages of the article / of the cited monograph
No automatic truncation; if truncation is needed * can be added both front & end of search string.
No automatic truncation; if truncation is needed * can be added both front & end of search string.
Place of publication of the Monograph / Festschrift / Congress Proceedings / Miscellany
Automatic truncation; case-insensitive; special characters/diacritics (äöüé...) are ignored.
Automatic truncation; case-insensitive; special characters/diacritics (äöüé...) are ignored.
Concordance number in L'Année Épigraphique
Method of citation:
Method of citation:
- without "AE"
- year, number (always 4 digit)
Publication(s) concerning the inscription of the given AE number, which was (were) however not mentioned in the AE entry
Method of citation:
Method of citation:
- without "AE"
- year, number (always 4 digit)
Concordance number in Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum
Method of citation:
Method of citation:
- without "CIL"
- Volume (2-digit), Number (5-digit)
Number of inscription from corpus (except CIL) which is dealt with in this publication.
Automatic truncation front/back; case-insensitive
For lists of abbreviations see:
Automatic truncation front/back; case-insensitive
For lists of abbreviations see: