Bibliographic Database

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The search for:

author: Ballance, M.H.

resulted in 5 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B005462 Ballance, M.H. The Roman bridges of the via flaminia. PBSR 19 1951 78-117
 B003725 Perkins, J.B.W. - Ballance, M.H. - Reynolda, J.M. The Caesareum at Cyrene and the basilica at Cremna. PBSR 26 1958 137-194
 B006182 Ballance, M.H. Roman roads in Lycaonia. AS 8 1958 223-234
 B003862 Ballance, M.H. Derbe and Faustinopolis. AS 14 1964 139-145
 B004421 Ballance, M.H. Regio Ipsina et Moeteana. AS 19 1969 143-146