Bibliographic Database
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The search for:
author: Bloch, H.
resulted in 10 hits. ( CSV Download)
ID | author | title | publication | volume | years | pages |
B000143 | Bloch, H. | The funerary inscription of the physician of Caecilia Crassi in the Fogg Art Museum. | HSPh | 86 | 1982 | 141-150 |
B002611 | Bloch, H. | Ostia. Iscrizioni rinvenute tra il 1930 e il 1939. | NSA | 1953 | 239-306 | |
B002909 | Bloch, H. | Ein datierter Ziegelstempel Theoderichs des Großen. | MDAI(R) | 66 | 1959 | 196-203 |
B004020 | Bloch, H. | A monument of the Lares Augusti in the forum of Ostia. | HThR | 55 | 1962 | 211-223 |
B004836 | Bloch, H. | Sette Bassi revisited. | HSPh | 63 | 1958 | 401-414 |
B004977 | Bloch, H. | C. Cartilius Poplicola. | In: Le tombe di età repubblicana e Augustea, Scavi di Ostia | 3, 1 | 1958 | 209-219 |
B005440 | Bloch, H. | The name of the bath near the forum of Ostia. | In: G.E. Mylonas - D. Raymond (Hrsg.), Studies presented to David Moore Robinson on his 70th Birthday | 1953 | 412-418 | |
B007209 | Bloch, H. | 3 bolli laterizi e la storia edilizia Romana. | BCAR | 66 | 1938 | 61-212 |
B008656 | Bloch, H. | A new document of the last pagan revival in the west, 393-394 A.D. | HThR | 38 | 1945 | 199-244 |
B009635 | Bloch, H. | Regione I (Latium et Campania) IX. - Ostia. - Iscrizioni rinvenute tra il 1930 e il 1939. | NSA | 1953 | 239-306 |