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author: Curchin, L.A.

resulted in 11 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B000293 Curchin, L.A. Familial epithets in the epigraphy of Roman Spain. In: Mélanges offerts en hommage au Révérend Père Étienne Gareau. 1982 179-182
 B000294 Curchin, L.A. Notes and Corrections to the Latin Epigraphy of Spain. ZPE 47 1982 105-111
 B000295 Curchin, L.A. Jobs in Roman Spain. Florilegium 4 1982 32-62
 B000297 Curchin, L.A. Forgotten inscriptions from Baria (Tarraconensis). ZPE 49 1982 185-186
 B000296 Curchin, L.A. Personal wealth in Roman Spain. Historia 32 1983 227-244
 B006607 Curchin, L.A. Further corrections to Hispano-Roman epigraphy. ZPE 53 1983 113-116
 B001403 Curchin, L.A. Misread inscriptions from Central Spain. ZPE 59 1985 187-188
 B001573 Curchin, L.A. Epigraphic notes from the Spanish Meseta. ZPE 58 1985 244-246
 B002008 Curchin, L.A. Men of the cloth: Reflexions on the Roman linen trade, Based on a new document from Bordeaux. LCM 10 1985 34-35
 B007251 Curchin, L.A. Social relations in Central Spain: patrons, freedmen and slaves in the life of a Roman provincial hinterland. AncSoc 18 1987 75-89
 B006351 Curchin, L.A. Vergil's "Messiah": A new governor of Spain? AncHistB 2 1988 143-144