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The search for:
author: French, D.H.
resulted in 20 hits. ( CSV Download)
ID | author | title | publication | volume | years | pages |
B000480 | French, D.H. | Roman roads and milestones of Asia Minor 1. The pilgrim's road. | 1981 | 129 S. | ||
B000481 | French, D.H. | Recruitment in Asia Minor for the legio III Scythica. | In: S. Mitchell (Hrsg.), Armies and frontiers in Roman and Byzantine Anatolia. Proceedings of a Colloquium held at University College, Swansea 1981. | 1983 | 47-59 | |
B000482 | French, D.H. - Roueché, C.M. | Governors of Phrygia and Caria. | ZPE | 49 | 1982 | 159-160 |
B001596 | French, D.H. | Milestones of Pontus, Galatia, Phrygia and Lycia. | ZPE | 43 | 1981 | 149-174 |
B002512 | French, D.H. | The location of Cretia Flaviopolis in Bithynia. | EA | 3 | 1984 | 49-58 |
B002520 | French, D.H. | A severan milestone in the Antalya Museum. | EA | 8 | 1986 | 84-89 |
B002526 | French, D.H. | Milestones of Cappadocia. (Mit türkischer Zusammenfassung) | EA | 5 | 1985 | 147-154 |
B002529 | French, D.H. | Recent epigraphic research in Pontus. | EA | 8 | 1986 | 71-83 |
B002995 | French, D.H. | D. Fronteius Fronto, proconsul (of Asia). | ZPE | 29 | 1978 | 211-212 |
B003305 | French, D.H. | S. Quintilius Maximus, proconsul (of Asia). | ZPE | 21 | 1976 | 77-78 |
B004287 | French, D.H. | R.E.C.A.M. Notes and studies No. 4. Latin inscriptions from Ladik and Sinop. | AS | 28 | 1978 | 175-180 |
B004290 | French, D.H. | R.E.C.A.M. Notes and studies no. 2. Ti. Claudius Subatianus Aquila, praefectus Mesopotamiae primus. | AS | 27 | 1977 | 191-192 |
B006259 | French, D.H. | Amasian notes. (Mit türkischer Zusammenfassung) | EA | 15 | 1990 | 135-138 |
B007154 | French, D.H. | Aurelius Basileus, governor of Cappadocia. | In: H.E. Herzig - R. Frei-Stolba (Hrsg.), Labor omnibus unus. Gerold Walser zum 70. Geburtstag dargebracht von Freunden, Kollegen und Schülern. | 1989 | 38-44 | |
B007818 | Şahin, S. - French, D.H. | Ein Dokument aus Takina. | EA | 10 | 1987 | 135-142 |
B008314 | French, D.H. - Summerly, J.R. | Four Latin inscriptions from Satala. | AS | 37 | 1987 | 17-22 |
B012639 | French, D.H. | Roman roads and milestones of Asia Minor 2. An interim catalogue of milestones. | 1988 | 560 S. | ||
B012761 | French, D.H. | Milestones from the Izmir region 1984. (Mit türkischer Zusammenfassung9 | EA | 25 | 1995 | 95-102 |
B014670 | French, D.H. | Pre- and early Roman roads of Asia Minor. | ArkDergisi | 5 | 1997 | 179-187 |
B015409 | French, D.H. | Roman roads and milestones of Asia Minor 3, 2. Galatia. | 2012 | 358 S. |