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author: Goodchild, R.G.

resulted in 10 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B004103 Goodchild, R.G. The decline of Cyrene and rise of Ptolemais: Two new inscriptions. QAL 4 1961 83-95
 B004602 Goodchild, R.G. The Roman roads of Libya and their milestones. In: Libya in history. Historical conference 1968. 1968 155-171
 B004613 Goodchild, R.G. - Reynolds, J.M. Some military inscriptions from Cyrenaica. PBSR 30 1962 37-46
 B004992 Goodchild, R.G. The forum of Ptolemais (Cyrenaica). QAL 5 1967 47-51
 B005275 Reynolds, J.M. - Goodchild, R.G. The city lands of Apollonia in Cyrenaica. LibAnt 2 1965 103-107
 B005803 Goodchild, R.G. The Latino-Libyan Inscriptions of Tripolitania. AntJ 30 1950 135-144
 B006127 Goodchild, R.G. Roman milestones in Cyrenaica. PBSR 28 1950 83-91
 B006130 Goodchild, R.G. Two monumental inscriptions of Lepcis Magna. PBSR 28 1950 72-83
 B006472 Goodchild, R.G. - Ward Perkins, J.B. The lime Tripolitanus in the light of recent discoveries. JRS 39 1949 81-95
 B006621 Goodchild, R.G. - Reynolds, J.M. The temple of Zeus at Cyrene. PBSR 26 1958 30-62