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The search for:

author: Hartley, K.

resulted in 5 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B013193 Hartley, K. Stamped mortaria. In: R. Niblett - W. Manning - C. Saunders, Verulamium. Excavations within the Roman town 1986-1988, Britannia 37 2006 134-137
 B016293 Hartley, K. The stamped mortaria. In: S. Watson (Hrsg.), Urban development in the north-west of Londinium. Excavations at 120-122 Cheapside to 14-18 Gresham Street, City of London, 2005-7 2015 74-77
 B016294 Hartley, K. 6.6. The stamped mortaria. In: A. Wardle - I. Freestone - M. McKenzie - J. Shepherd (Hrsg.), Glass working on the margins of Roman London. Excavations at 35 Basinghall Street, City of London, 2005 2015 133-137
 B016436 Hartley, K. Mortaria. In: A. Jones (Hrsg.) Roman Birmingham 3. Excavations at Metchley Roman Fort, 1999 - 2001 and 2004 - 2005 ; Western settlement, the livestock complex and the Western defences. 2011
 B016463 Hartley, K. Stamped mortaria. In: I. Howell - L. Blackmore - C. Philpotts - A. Thorp (Hrsg.), Roman and medieval development south of Cheapside. Excavations at Bow Bells House, City of London 2005-2006. 2013 48-51