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author: Haverfield, F.

resulted in 19 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B006138 Haverfield, F. Römische Inschriften aus Britannien: neuer Statthalter. KWDZ 22 1903 201-203
 B008195 Haverfield, F. Thursday, 2nd May, 1912. PSA 24 1911/12 261-277
 B008231 Haverfield, F. Roman Britain in 1913. 1914 58
 B008261 Haverfield, F. Inscriptions. ArchAel 9 1912 263-276
 B009397 Haverfield, F. Romano-British remains. A history of the country of Cornwall. 5 1924 43
 B010876 Haverfield, F. The Roman bronze measure from Carvoran. ArchAel 8 1916 85-102
 B011293 Haverfield, F. A Roman inscribed tile from Plaxtol, Kent. PSA 23 1909-1911 108-112
 B011373 Haverfield, F. Thursday, 15th June, 1911. PSA 23 1909-1911 478-492
 B011396 Haverfield, F. Art. XXV. Roman inscriptions from Cumberland. TC&WAntArchS 11 1911 469-473
 B012959 Forster, R.H. - Knowks, W.H. - Haverfield, F. - Craster, H.H.E. - Meek, A. Corstopitum: report on the excavations in 1910. ArchAel 7 1911 143-266
 B013636 Haverfield, F. Notes from Krain, Croatia, and Serbia. JPh 17 1888 274-288
 B015605 Haverfield, F. On an altar to Silvanus found near Barr Hill and on the Roman occupation of Scotland. in: The Antonine Wall report: being an account of excavations, ect., made under the direction of the Glasgow Archaeological Society during 1890-93. 1899 153-154
 B015616 Haverfield, F. 26 Roman inscriptions from Aesica. ArchAel 19 1898 268-274
 B015629 Haverfield, F. A Roman Tablet from the Tyne at Newcastle. PSAN 1 1903 72-74
 B015651 Haverfield, F. A milestone of Carausius. The Academy 47 1895 41
 B015661 Haverfield, F. A Roman inscription at Caerwent. The Athenaeum 1903 420
 B015662 Haverfield, F. Notes on portions of three inscriptions found at Silchester. Archeologia 61, 1 1909 215-218
 B015771 Haverfield, F. Notes on the inscribed Tablet and on the Romano-British name of Brough. DAJ 26 1904 197-203
 B015802 Haverfield, F. Roman Britain in 1914. 1915