Bibliographic Database

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The search for:

author: Jones, C.P.

resulted in 8 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B001267 Jones, C.P. Some new inscriptions from Bubon. MDAI(I) 27/28 1977/78 288-296
 B002533 Jones, C.P. A Syrian in Lyon. AJPh 99 1978 336-353
 B013056 Jones, C.P. The Claudian Monument at Patara. ZPE 137 2001 161-168
 B013607 Jones, C.P. Gladiator epigrams from Beroea and Stratonikeia (Caria). ZPE 163 2007 45-48
 B013806 Jones, C.P. A letter of Hadrian to Naryka (Eastern Locris). JRA 19 2006 151-162
 B014905 Avram, A. - Jones, C.P. An actor from Byzantium in a new epigram from Tomis. ZPE 178 2011 126-134
 B015054 Jones, C.P. An edict of Hadrian from Maroneia. Chiron 41 2011 313-325
 B016492 Jones, C.P. An amulet from London and events surrounding the Antonine Plague. JRA 29 2016 469-472