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The search for:

author: Kantiréa, M.

resulted in 2 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B013797 Rizakis, A.D. - Zoumbaki, S. - Kantirea, M. Roman Peloponnese 1. Roman personal names in their context. 2001 643 S.
 B014282 Kantiréa, M. Une famille sacerdotale du culte impérial de Sicyone (Syll3 846 et IG IV 399). In: A.D. Rizakis - F. Camia (Hrsg.) Pathways to power. Civic elites in the eastern part of the Roman Empire. Proceedings of the International Workshop held at Athens Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Atene 2005 2008 15-22