Bibliographic Database

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The search for:

author: Kennedy, D.

resulted in 6 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B000635 Kennedy, D. C. Velius Rufus. Britannia 14 1983 183-196
 B001923 Kennedy, D.I. Some observations on the praetorian guard. AncSoc 9 1978 275-301
 B007969 Kennedy, D. - MacAdam, H.I. Latin inscriptions from the Azraq Oasis, Jordan. ZPE 60 1985 97-107
 B008800 Kennedy, D. - MacAdam, H.I. Latin inscriptions from Jordan, 1985. ZPE 65 1986 231-236
 B012076 Kennedy, D. The special command of M. Valerius Lollianus. In: E. DÄ…browa (Hrsg.), Donum amicitiae. Studies in ancient history published on occasion of the 75th anniversary of foundation of the Department of Ancient History of the Jagiellonian University. 1997 69-81
 B012347 Kennedy, D. The Roman army in Jordan. 2000 220 S.