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author: Mitchell, S.

resulted in 11 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B000787 Mitchell, S. Regional epigraphic catalogues of Asia Minor II. The Ankara district. The inscriptions of North Galatia. 1982 461
 B001358 Mitchell, S. R.E.C.A.M. Notes and studies No. 1. Inscriptions of Ancyra. AS 27 1977 63-103
 B001623 Kaya, D. - Mitchell, S. The sanctuary of the god Eurydemon at Tymbriada in Pisidia. AS 35 1985 39-55
 B001918 Mitchell, S. Iconium and Ninicia. Two double communities in Roman Asia Minor. Historia 28 1979 409-438
 B002194 Mitchell, S. The Greek city in the Roman world - the case of Pontus and Bithynia. In: A.G. Kalogeropoulou (Hrsg.), Praktika tou 8. Diethnous Synedriou Hellinikis kai Latinikis Epigraphikis, Athina 1982. 1984 120-133
 B002424 Mitchell, S. R.E.C.A.M. Notes and studies no. 5. A Roman familiy in Phrygia. AS 29 1979 13-22
 B003349 Mitchell, S. Requisitioned transport in the Roman Empire: A new inscripton from Pisidia. JRS 66 1976 106-131
 B003701 Mitchell, S. The Plancii in Asia Minor. JRS 64 1974 27-39
 B004286 Mitchell, S. R.E.C.A.M. Notes and studies No. 3. A Latin inscription from Galatia. AS 28 1978 93-96
 B007529 Mitchell, S. The requisitioning edict of Sex. Sotidius Strabo Libuscidianus. ZPE 45 1982 99-100
 B008513 Mitchell, S. Maximinus and the Christians in A.D. 312: A new Latin inscription. JRS 78 1988 105-124