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The search for:

author: Mitford, T.B.

resulted in 10 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B007530 Mitford, T.B. Milestones in western Cyprus. JRS 29 1939 185-190
 B002665 Mitford, T.B. New inscriptions from Roman Cyprus. OA 6 1950 1-95
 B004049 Bean, G.E. - Mitford, T.B. Sites old and new in rough Cilicia. AS 12 1962 185-217
 B005321 Bean, G.E. - Mitford, T.B. Journeys in rough Cilicia in 1962 and 1963. DAW 85 1965 55
 B003672 Bean, G.E. - Mitford, T.B. Journeys in royal Cilicia in 1962-1968. 1965-1970 321 S.
 B005280 Mitford, T.B. Three milestones of western Cyprus. AJA 70 1966 89-99
 B003767 Mitford, T.B. The inscriptions of Kourion. 1971 422
 B004245 Mitford, T.B. Studia Pontica III Fascicle 2 - Sixty Years of Progress. In: Acta of the Fifth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Cambridge 1967. 1971 377-380
 B003700 Mitford, T.B. Some inscriptions from the Cappadocian Limes (Plates IV-VIII). JRS 64 1974 160-175
 B006692 Mitford, T.B. Further inscriptions from the Cappadocian limes. ZPE 71 1988 167-178