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author: Oliver, J.H.

resulted in 17 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B010982 Oliver, J.H. Latin inscription from Samothrace. AJA 43 1939 464-466
 B006740 Oliver, J.H. Greek and Latin inscriptions. Hesperia 10 1941 237-261
 B006739 Oliver, J.H. Epitaphs of Roman soldiers and sailors. Hesperia 11 1942 90
 B006734 Oliver, J.H. Zu: A. Stein, Die Legaten von Moesien (Budapest 1940). AJPh 69 1948 217-222
 B008368 Oliver, J.H. Zu A. Stein, Die Reichsbeamten von Dazien (Budapest 1944). AJPh 69 1948 222-224
 B007169 Oliver, J.H. Zu: A.E. Gordon, Quintus Veranius consul A.D. 49. A study based upon his recently identified sepulchral inscription, UCPA 2, 1952, 231-351. AJPh 75 1954 206-210
 B006741 Oliver, J.H. The epitaph of Aerarius Aper at Tarraco. AJPh 78 1957 152-162
 B005009 Swift, L.J. - Oliver, J.H. Constantius II on Flavius Philippus. AJPh 83 1962 247-264
 B003970 Oliver, J.H. Domitian's freedman Antiochus. Hesperia 32 1963 87
 B004902 Oliver, J.H. A Roman governor visits Samothrace. AJPh 87 1966 75-80
 B004987 Oliver, J.H. Archaeological notes. Corinth VIII, 3, 121. AJA 71 1967 307
 B005518 Oliver, J.H. - Geagan, D.J. Corinth VIII 3, 125. AJA 72 1968 156-157
 B004716 Oliver, J.H. Text of the Tabula Banasitana, A.D. 177. AJPh 93 1972 336-340
 B002427 Oliver, J.H. The Helladarch. RSA 8 1978 1-6
 B002994 Oliver, J.H. Epigraphical notes. ZPE 32 1978 279-280
 B002418 Oliver, J.H. Greek applications for the Roman trials. AJPh 100 1979 543-558
 B004124 Oliver, J.H. The epitaph of Severa Seleuciane at Rome. ZPE 33 1979 116