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author: Oliver, J.H.

resulted in 17 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B004987 Oliver, J.H. Archaeological notes. Corinth VIII, 3, 121. AJA 71 1967 307
 B005518 Oliver, J.H. - Geagan, D.J. Corinth VIII 3, 125. AJA 72 1968 156-157
 B010982 Oliver, J.H. Latin inscription from Samothrace. AJA 43 1939 464-466
 B002418 Oliver, J.H. Greek applications for the Roman trials. AJPh 100 1979 543-558
 B004716 Oliver, J.H. Text of the Tabula Banasitana, A.D. 177. AJPh 93 1972 336-340
 B004902 Oliver, J.H. A Roman governor visits Samothrace. AJPh 87 1966 75-80
 B005009 Swift, L.J. - Oliver, J.H. Constantius II on Flavius Philippus. AJPh 83 1962 247-264
 B006734 Oliver, J.H. Zu: A. Stein, Die Legaten von Moesien (Budapest 1940). AJPh 69 1948 217-222
 B006741 Oliver, J.H. The epitaph of Aerarius Aper at Tarraco. AJPh 78 1957 152-162
 B007169 Oliver, J.H. Zu: A.E. Gordon, Quintus Veranius consul A.D. 49. A study based upon his recently identified sepulchral inscription, UCPA 2, 1952, 231-351. AJPh 75 1954 206-210
 B008368 Oliver, J.H. Zu A. Stein, Die Reichsbeamten von Dazien (Budapest 1944). AJPh 69 1948 222-224
 B003970 Oliver, J.H. Domitian's freedman Antiochus. Hesperia 32 1963 87
 B006739 Oliver, J.H. Epitaphs of Roman soldiers and sailors. Hesperia 11 1942 90
 B006740 Oliver, J.H. Greek and Latin inscriptions. Hesperia 10 1941 237-261
 B002427 Oliver, J.H. The Helladarch. RSA 8 1978 1-6
 B002994 Oliver, J.H. Epigraphical notes. ZPE 32 1978 279-280
 B004124 Oliver, J.H. The epitaph of Severa Seleuciane at Rome. ZPE 33 1979 116