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The search for:

author: Roxan, M.M.

resulted in 5 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B002396 Morris, J. - Roxan, M.M. The witnesses to Roman military diplomata. AArchSlov 28 1977 299-333
 B011082 Paunov, E.I. - Roxan, M.M. The earliest extant diploma of Thrace, A.D. 114 (= RMD I 14). ZPE 119 1997 269-279
 B001891 Roxan, M.M. The distribution of Roman military diplomas. In: EpStud 12 1981 265-286
 B002472 Roxan, M.M. Roman military diplomata and topography. In: Studien zu den Militärgrenzen Roms 3. 13. Internationaler Limeskongreß, Aalen 1983. Vorträge. 1986 768-778
 B013267 Roxan, M.M. - Stylow, A.U. Ein neues Flottendiplom vom 18. Dezember 225 und RMD III 194= CIL II²/7, 127a. Chiron 29 1999 183-192