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The search for:

author: Saddington, D.B.

resulted in 6 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B000986 Saddington, D.B. The auxiliary prefect Glabrio and the introduction of the duovirate at Perusia. Athenaeum 61 1983 264-266
 B001435 Saddington, D.B. The development of the Roman auxiliary forces from Caesar to Vespasian (49 B.C. - A.D. 79). 1982 287
 B005906 Saddington, D.B. Two unpublished inscriptions of auxiliaries in Aquileia and the presence of the military there in early imperial period. AN 59 1988 67-76
 B010726 Saddington, D.B. An ala Tungrorum? ZPE 138 2002 273-274
 B011914 Saddington, D.B. A context for a dedication by five cavalry regiments to Cornelius Scipio in Rome? ZPE 104 1994 73-77
 B012950 Saddington, D.B. A tile from Roman Vienna in Johannisburg. Akroterion 51 2006 157-160