Bibliographic Database

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The search for:

author: Sanders, H.A.

resulted in 6 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B005204 Sanders, H.A. Latin papyri in the University of Michigan Collection, Michigan papyri 7 1947 126 S.
 B006893 Sanders, H.A. The appointment of a guardian by the prefect of Egypt. AJA 46 1942 94-98
 B008483 Sanders, H.A. Two fragmentary birth-certificates from the Michigan Collection. MAAR 9 1931 61-80
 B008484 Sanders, H.A. Some inscriptions in Rome. MAAR 10 1932 69-84
 B009045 Sanders, H.A. A birth certificate of 138 A.D. Aegyptus 17 1937 233-240
 B009886 Sanders, H.A. The birth certificate of a Roman citizen. CPh 22 1927 409-413