Bibliographic Database

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The search for:

author: Sijpesteijn, P.J.

resulted in 6 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B001022 Sijpesteijn, P.J. More remarks on some imperial titles in the papyri. ZPE 49 1982 97-118
 B006922 Sijpesteijn, P.J. A mutilated metrical inscription from a Dutch collection. ZPE 65 1986 171-172
 B002722 Sijpesteijn, P.J. Neun lateinische Grabinschriften. ZPE 70 1987 147-151
 B006920 Sijpesteijn, P.J. Two Latin funeral inscriptions. ZPE 68 1987 153-157
 B006921 Sijpesteijn, P.J. A Latin funeral inscription. ZPE 68 1987 151-152
 B014759 Sijpesteijn, P.J. Die legio nona Hispana in Nimwegen. ZPE 111 1996 281-282