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The search for:
author: Speidel, M.P.
resulted in 65 hits. ( CSV Download)
ID | author | title | publication | volume | years | pages |
B004553 | Speidel, M.P. | Die equites singulares Augusti: Begleittruppe der römischen Kaiser des zweiten und dritten Jahrhunderts. | 1965 | 110 S. | ||
B003732 | Speidel, M.P. | The captor of Decebalus. A new inscription from Philippi. | JRS | 60 | 1970 | 142-153 |
B004728 | Speidel, M.P. | The pedites singulares Pannoniciani in Mauretania. | AJPh | 93 | 1972 | 299-305 |
B003621 | Speidel, M.P. | Summus curator. Zu Inschriften aus dem österreichischen Oberpannonien und Noricum. | RŒ | 1 | 1973 | 53-56 |
B004411 | Speidel, M.P. | The singulares of Africa and the establishment of Numidia as a province. | Historia | 22 | 1973 | 125-127 |
B004769 | Speidel, M.P. | Ala I Claudia Gallorum Capitoliana. | In: H. Daicoviciu (Hrsg.), In memoriam Constantini Daicoviciu. | 1974 | 375-379 | |
B003376 | Speidel, M.P. | Africa and Rome: Continous resistance? (A vexillation of the Norican Ala Augusta in Mauretania). | PACA | 13 | 1975 | 36-38 |
B003895 | Speidel, M.P. | Eagle-bearer and trumpeter. The eagle-standard and trumpets of the Roman legions illustrated by three tombstones recently found at Byzantion. | BJ | 176 | 1976 | 123-163 |
B011234 | Speidel, M.P. | A tribune of cohors III campestris. | Apulum | 15 | 1977 | 631-633 |
B002971 | Speidel, M.P. | Guards of the Roman armies. | 1978 | 149 | ||
B003017 | Dimitrova-Milčeva, A. - Speidel, M.P. | The cult of the Genii in the Roman army and a new military deity. | In: ANRW | 2, 16, 2 | 1978 | 1542-1555 |
B003108 | Speidel, M.P. | Guards of the Roman armies. | 1978 | 149 | ||
B011320 | Speidel, M.P. | Felix legio vestra. A building inscription from Romula-Malva. | ZPE | 30 | 1978 | 119-122 |
B015183 | Speidel, M.P. | The religion of Iuppiter Dolichenus in the Roman army. | 1978 | 92 S. | ||
B010898 | Speidel, M.P. | Agens sacru comitatu. | ZPE | 33 | 1979 | 183-184 |
B001336 | Speidel, M.P. | An altar to the healer gods and the Genius of Iuppiter Dolichenus. | AArchSlov | 31 | 1980 | 182-185 |
B001353 | Speidel, M.P. | Legionaries from Asia Minor. | In: ANRW | 2, 7, 2 | 1980 | 730-746 |
B002154 | Speidel, M.P. | A Spanish Cavalry Decurion in the time of Caesar and Augustus. | AEA | 53 | 1980 | 211-213 |
B002414 | Speidel, M.P. | Lixa of the third Thracian cohort in Syria. A new inscription. | ZPE | 38 | 1980 | 146-148 |
B001065 | Speidel, M.P. | The last of the Procurators. | ZPE | 43 | 1981 | 363-364 |
B001322 | Speidel, M.P. - Neumaier, H. | Eine Weihinschrift aus Osterburken. | FBW | 6 | 1981 | 565-570 |
B001864 | Speidel, M.P. | Princeps as a title for ad hoc commanders. | Britannia | 12 | 1981 | 7-13 |
B006946 | Speidel, M.P. | Marcus Titius. | ZPE | 42 | 1981 | 272 |
B001063 | Speidel, M.P. | Noricum als Herkunftsgebiet der kaiserlichen Gardereiter. | JŒAI (Beibl.) | 53 | 1981/82 | 214-243 |
B001061 | Speidel, M.P. | Auxiliary Units Named after Their Commanders. Four New Cases from Egypt. | Aegyptus | 62 | 1982 | 165-172 |
B001064 | Speidel, M.P. | The careers of a legionary. | TAPhA | 112 | 1982 | 209-214 |
B001066 | Speidel, M.P. | Legionary cohorts in Mauretania. The role of legionary cohorts in the structure of expeditionary armies. | In: ANRW | 2, 10, 2 | 1982 | 850-860 |
B001768 | Speidel, M.P. | The Roman army in Judaea under procurators. The Italian and the Augustan cohort in the Acts of the Apostles. | AncSoc | 13/14 | 1982/83 | 233-240 |
B001056 | Speidel, M.P. | Exploratores. Mobile elite units of Roman Germany. | In: EpStud | 13 | 1983 | 63-78 |
B001057 | Speidel, M.P. | The centurions' titles. | In: EpStud | 13 | 1983 | 43-61 |
B001058 | Speidel, M.P. | The Roman army in Asia Minor. Recent epigraphical discoveries and researches. | In: S. Mitchell (Hrsg.), Armies and frontiers in Roman and Byzantine Anatolia. Proceedings of a Colloquium held at University College, Swansea 1981. | 1983 | 7-34 | |
B001059 | Speidel, M.P. | Severiana as a title for army units and the three legiones Parthicae of Septimius Severus. | PACA | 17 | 1983 | 118-123 |
B001060 | Speidel, M.P. | Legionsabteilungen aus Mainz beim Holzschlag im Odenwald. | Der Odenwald | 30 | 1983 | 111-114 |
B002057 | Speidel, M.P. | Cash from the emperor. A veterans' gravestone at Elecik in Galatia. | AJPh | 104 | 1983 | 282-286 |
B016397 | Speidel, M.P. | Zum Aufbau der Legion und zum Handwerk in Vindonissa. | Pro Vindonissa | 1983 | 29-34 | |
B001055 | Speidel, M.P. | Catafractarii clibanarii and the rise of the later Roman mailed cavalry. A gravestone from Claudiopolis in Bithynia. | EA | 4 | 1984 | 151-156 |
B001764 | Speidel, M.P. | The road to Viminacium. | AArchSlov | 35 | 1984 | 339-341 |
B001766 | Speidel, M.P. | Germani corporis custodes. | Germania | 62 | 1984 | 31-45 |
B006943 | Speidel, M.P. | Roman army studies. | 1 | 1984 | 436 S. | |
B010968 | Speidel, M.P. | Regionarii in Lower Moesia. | ZPE | 57 | 1984 | 185-188 |
B001462 | Speidel, M.P. - Reynolds, J. | A veteran of legio I Parthica from Carian Aphrodisias. | EA | 5 | 1985 | 31-35 |
B001767 | Speidel, M.P. | Domo Hispanus. | Gerión | 3 | 1985 | 347-348 |
B002056 | Speidel, M.P. | Valerius Valerianus in charge of Septimius Severus' Mesopotamian campaign. | CPh | 80 | 1985 | 321-326 |
B006947 | Speidel, M.P. | A Marsacus as a horseguard's boy in Rome. | Helinium | 25 | 1985 | 254-257 |
B002515 | Speidel, M.P. | A soldier of cohors II Lucensium at Calchedon. | EA | 7 | 1986 | 35-36 |
B008462 | Speidel, M.P. | Die Brittones Elantienses und die Vorverlegung des obergermanischen Limes. | FBW | 11 | 1986 | 309-311 |
B013871 | Speidel, M.P. | Rangzeichen für Zenturionen und die große Weihinschrift aus dem Mainzer Legionslager. | JRGZ | 33 | 1986 | 321-329 |
B001630 | Speidel, M.P. | Roman troops at Aulutrene. Observations on two inscriptions. | EA | 10 | 1987 | 97-100 |
B007647 | Speidel, M.P. | Spätrömische Legionskohorten in Novae. | Germania | 65 | 1987 | 240-242 |
B011060 | Speidel, M.P. | A builiding inscription for the fort of the numerus Germanicianorum at Orăştioara de Sus in Upper Dacia. | Dacia | 24 | 1987 | 143-144 |
B006945 | Speidel, M.P. - Panciera, S. | From the North and Black Sea shores. Two new gravestones for boys of the "equites singulares Augusti". | Chiron | 19 | 1989 | 119-126 |
B009162 | Speidel, M.P. | Contirones and Geta dominus noster. | ZAnt | 39 | 1989 | 55-56 |
B009889 | Speidel, M.P. | Furius' gravestone from the Crimea. | In: D.H. French - C.S. Lightfoot (Hrsg.), The eastern frontier of the Roman Empire 2. Proceedings of a colloquium held at Ankara in September 1988. | 1989 | 515-518 | |
B010748 | Speidel, M.P. | Hercules with the hellhound from Viminacium. | AArchHung | 41 | 1989 | 359-363 |
B005957 | Speidel, M.P. - Scardigli, B. | Neckarschwaben (Suebi Nicrenses). | AKB | 20 | 1990 | 201-207 |
B015722 | Speidel, M.P. | Der Cirtor und der Untergang des Numerus Catthrensium beim Fall des Obergermanischen Limes. | SJ | 46 | 1991 | 148 |
B015791 | Speidel, M.P. | Ein Altar für die Kreuzweggöttinnen. | JberAugst | 12 | 1991 | 281-282 |
B006944 | Speidel, M.P. | Roman army studies. | 2 | 1992 | 430 | |
B016645 | Speidel, M.P. | Ala Celerum Philippiana. | Tyche | 7 | 1992 | 217-220 |
B008497 | Speidel, M.P. | Die Denkmäler der Kaiserreiter. Equites singulares Augusti. | 1994 | 460 S. | ||
B010860 | Speidel, M.P. | The Tribunes' Choice in the Promotion of Centurions. | ZPE | 100 | 1994 | 469-470 |
B009880 | Speidel, M.P. | A horse guardsman in the war between Licinius and Constantine. | Chiron | 25 | 1995 | 83-87 |
B013830 | Speidel, M.P. | Kampanische Kohorte und Legionsreiter. | In: R. Frei-Stolba - M.A. Speidel (Hrsg.), Römische Inschriften. Neufunde, Neulesungen und Neuinterpretationen | 1995 | 123-132 | |
B015617 | Speidel, M.P. | The Risingham Praetensio. | Britannia | 29 | 1998 | 356-359 |
B015948 | Speidel, M.P. | The missing weapons at Carlisle. | Britannia | 38 | 2007 | 237-239 |