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author: Vetters, H.

resulted in 15 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B004735 Vetters, H. Ein neues Denkmal des Sicherheitsdienstes in den Provinzen? JŒAI (Beibl.) 39 1952 103-106
 B004736 Vetters, H. Ein Grabgedicht aus Carnuntum. In: R. Hanslik - A. Lesky - H. Schwabe (Hrsg.), Festschrift für W. Kraus zum 70. Geburtstag. 1972 437-439
 B004890 Vetters, H. V. The Roman West. 3. Regions and sites: The Roman provinces. e. Provinces of the Danube Valley and Balkans (Raetia and Vindelicia, Noricum, Pannonia, Dalmatia, Dacia). FA 5 1950 462-463, Nr. 5364
 B005188 Vetters, H. V. The Roman West. 3. Regions and sites: The Roman provinces. e. Provinces of the Danube Valley and Balkans (Raetia, Noricum, Pannonia, Dalmatia, Dacia). FA 6 1951 461, Nr. 6011
 B005189 Vetters, H. V. The Roman West. 3. Regions and sites: The Roman provinces. e. Provinces of the Danube Valley and Balkans (Raetia, Noricum, Pannonia, Dalmatia, Dacia). FA 6 1951 461-462, Nr. 6013
 B005806 Vetters, H. Archaeological news. European Lands, Austria. AJA 54 1950 409-417
 B005886 Vetters, H. Zu einer Inschrift aus Umm el Jemal. JŒAI (Beibl.) 44 1959 381-384
 B005914 Vetters, H. V. The Roman West. 3. Regions and Sites: The Roman Provinces. e. Provinces of the Danube valley and Balkans (Raetia, Noricum, Pannonia, Dalmatia, Moesia Superior, Dacia). FA 13 1958 369, Nr. 5856
 B007016 Vetters, H. V. The Roman West. 3. Regions and sites: The West. g. Danubian and Central Europe. FA 8 1953 408-409, Nr. 5543
 B007017 Vetters, H. Archaeological news. Europe, Oberösterreich. AJA 52 1948 237-238
 B007018 Vetters, H. V. The Roman West. 1. Roman civilization and art. l. Metal ware. FA 8 1953 241-242, Nr. 3260
 B007107 Vetters, H. Felsgräber und Felsinschriften bei Ruprechtshofen, NÖ. JŒAI (Beibl.) 38 1950 116-126
 B014172 Vetters, H. V. The Roman West. 3. Regions and sites: The Roman provinces. e. Provinces of the Danube Valley and Balkans (Raetia, Noricum, Pannonia, Dalmatia, Dacia). FA 6 1951 464-465, Nr. 6031
 B014534 Vetters, H. Vibes. Carinthia I 140 1950 140-145
 B015177 Vetters, H. V. The Roman west. 3. Regions and sites: The Roman provinces. e. Provinces of the Danube valley and Balkans (Raetia, Noricum, Pannonia, Dalmatia, Moesia Superior, Dacia). FA 13 1958 368, Nr. 5852