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author: Visočnik, J.

resulted in 6 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B012746 Djura Jelenko, S. - Visočnik, J. Rimski kamniti spomeniki slovenske Koroške. (The Roman stone monuments of Slovenian Carinthia.) AArchSlov 57 2006 345-415
 B012747 Visočnik, J. Vojaški napisi iz Celeje in njene okolice. (Roman military inscriptions from Celeia and its surroundings.) AArchSlov 59 2008 325-357
 B014340 Visočnik, J. Two new manuscripts mentioning the lost Mercury-inscription CIL III 5196. 32 2009 123-134
 B014817 Visočnik, J. "Crudeles parentes" on the funerary stela for Aurelius Secundinus and his family (CIL III 5246)." In: I. Lazar (Hrsg.), Religion in public and private sphere. Acta of the 4th Interational Colloquium The Autonomous Towns of Noricum and Pannonia. 2011 41-48
 B015216 Visočnik, J. Vojaki iz Celeje na tujem. Celeian soldiers attested accross the Empire. AArchSlov 63 2012 235-264
 B015463 Visočnik, J. Epigrafski material zidanih grobov v Starem trgu (Kalacioni) pri Slovenj Gradcu. SUHereditati 1 2013 111-121