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author: Ward Perkins, J.

resulted in 7 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B004892 Ward Perkins, J.B. Zu: M.P. Dare, ACant 62, 1949, 94-98. FA 5 1950 446-447, Nr. 5200
 B005190 Ward Perkins, J.B. Zu: R. G. Goodchild, Illustrated London News, 15. Oktober 1949, 594-595. FA 4 1949 411, Nr. 4060
 B005191 Ward Perkins, J. Tripolitania and the marble trade. JRS 41 1951 89-104
 B006472 Goodchild, R.G. - Ward Perkins, J.B. The lime Tripolitanus in the light of recent discoveries. JRS 39 1949 81-95
 B007049 Ward Perkins, J.B. The Caesareum at Cyrene and the basilica at Cremna. PBSR 26 1958 137-167
 B008025 Toynbee, J. - Ward Perkins, J. The shrine of St. Peter and the Vatican excavations. 1956 293
 B014506 Ward Perkins, J.B. - Kenrick, P.M. The Severan monument. In: P.M. Kenrick (Hrsg.), Excavations at Sabratha 1948-1951. A report on the excavations conducted by Dame Kathleen Kanyon and John Ward-Perkins. 1986 213-221