Bibliographic Database
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The search for:
publication: Aegyptus
resulted in 7 hits. ( CSV Download)
ID | author | title | publication | volume | years | pages |
B001061 | Speidel, M.P. | Auxiliary Units Named after Their Commanders. Four New Cases from Egypt. | Aegyptus | 62 | 1982 | 165-172 |
B002541 | Criniti, N. | Sulle forze armate romane d'Egitto. | Aegyptus | 59, 1/2 | 1979 | 190-261 |
B009045 | Sanders, H.A. | A birth certificate of 138 A.D. | Aegyptus | 17 | 1937 | 233-240 |
B009164 | Stein, A. | Nachtrag zu Balbillus. | Aegyptus | 13 | 1933 | 331-332 |
B009165 | Stein, A. | Balbillus. | Aegyptus | 13 | 1933 | 123-136 |
B013034 | Mráv, Z. | Die severerzeitliche Fassade des Isis-Heiligtums in Savaria. | In: H. Győry (Hrsg.), Aegyptus et Pannonia 2. Acta Symposii anno 2002. | 2005 | 123-156 | |
B014521 | Szabó, Á. | Elements d'interprétation des autels de sphinx de Pannonie. | In: H. Győry (Hrsg.), Aegyptus et Pannonia 1. Acta Symposii anno 2000. | 2002 | 175-181 |