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publication: Archaeology

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 B004846 Jashemski, W.F. The Caupona of Euxinus at Pompeii. Archaeology 20, 1 1967 36-44
 B014235 Tomlin, R.S.O. Was Roman London ever a colonia? The written evidence. In: R.J.A. Wilson (Hrsg.), Romanitas. Essays on Roman archaeology in honour of Sheppard Frere on the occasion of his ninetieth birthday. 2006 49-64
 B014935 Visy, Z. Ein neueres Militärdiplom aus Pannonia inferior. In: C. Cosma (Hrsg.), Studii de arheologie şi istorie. Omagiu profesorului Nicolae Gudea la 70 de ani. Studies in archaeology and history. An anniversary volume to professor Nicolae Gudea on his 70th birthday. 2011 305-310
 B014942 Bondoc, D. A stamped amphora of the producer Dionysogenes, discovered at Cioroiu Nou. In: C. Cosma (Hrsg.), Studii de arheologie şi istorie. Omagiu profesorului Nicolae Gudea la 70 de ani. Studies in archaeology and history. An anniversary volume to professor Nicolae Gudea on his 70th birthday. 2011 145-150
 B015153 Makres, A. The sacred Gerousia in the Peloponnese. A new epigraphic document from ancient Korone. In: O. Palagia - H.R. Goette (Hrsg.), Sailing to classical Greece. Papers on Greek art, archaeology and epigraphy presented to Petros Themelis. 2011 70-78
 B015308 Mráv, Z. Building Munificences of Septimius Severus in the cities of the Pannonian provinces: epigraphic evidence. In: B. Migotti (Hrsg.), The Archaeology of Roman Southern Pannonia. The state of research and selected problems in the Croatian past of the Roman province of Pannonia 2012 251-278