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publication: BAur

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 B003625 Le Roux, P. - Tranoy, A. Problèmes épigraphiques de la province d'Orense. BAur 5 1975 271-279
 B003627 Arias Vilas, F. (o. Titel) BAur 6 1976 97-105
 B006852 Rivas, E. Unha ara na Antela. BAur 18/19 1988/89 103-106
 B006853 Rivas Fernández, J.C. - Rivas Quintas, E. El ara romana de Suatorre de Ambía (Orense) y sus inscripciones altomedievales. BAur 18/19 1988/89 119-132
 B006854 Rivas Fernández, J.C. - Seara Carballo, A. Nueva aportación al panteon galaico romano: Ariounis Mincosegaeigis. BAur 18/19 1988/89 95-102
 B006980 Taboada, M. Estela funeraria antropomorfa do Muiño de San Pedro (Verín). BAur 18/19 1988/89 79-93
 B008163 Gould, S. Inscriptions. The triumphal arch. In: P.V.C. Baur - M.I. Rostovtzev - A.R. Bellinger (Hrsg.), The excavations at Dura-Europos. Preliminary report of fourth season of work, October 1930 - March 1931. 1933 56-65
 B008348 Hopkins, C. Inscriptions. In: P.V.C. Baur - M.I. Rostovtzev (Hrsg.), The excavations at Dura-Europos. Preliminary report of second season of work, October 1928 - April 1929. 1931 83-113
 B008360 Johnson, J. Inscriptions. In: P.V.C. Baur - M.I. Rostovtzev (Hrsg.), The excavations at Dura-Europos. Preliminary report of second season of work, October 1928 - April 1929. 1931 148-171
 B008880 Rostovtzev, M.I. The Greek and Latin inscriptions. In: P.V.C. Baur - M.I. Rostovtzev (Hrsg.), The excavations at Dura-Europos. Preliminary report of first season of work, spring 1928. 1929 30-60
 B008943 Welles, C.B. Inscriptions. Graffiti. In: P.V.C. Baur - M.I. Rostovtzev - A.R. Bellinger (Hrsg.), The excavations at Dura-Europos. Preliminary report of fourth season of work, October 1930 - March 1931. 1933 79-178