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 B000574 Hassall, M.W.C. - Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 1980. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 12 1981 369-396
 B000575 Hassall, M.W.C. - Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 1981. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 13 1982 396-422
 B000576 Hassall, M.W.C. - Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 1982. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 14 1983 336-356
 B000577 Hassall, M.W.C. - Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 1983. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 15 1984 333-356
 B000635 Kennedy, D. C. Velius Rufus. Britannia 14 1983 183-196
 B001188 Wright, R.P. Roman Britain in 1969. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 1 1970 305-315
 B001616 Hassall, M.W.C. - Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 1984. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 16 1985 317-332
 B001864 Speidel, M.P. Princeps as a title for ad hoc commanders. Britannia 12 1981 7-13
 B002114 Wright, R.P. - Hassall, M.W.C. Roman Britain in 1972. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 4 1973 324-337
 B002120 Hassall, M.W.C. - Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 1979. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 11 1980 403-417
 B002121 Wright, R.P. - Hassall, M.W.C. - Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 1975. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 7 1976 378-392
 B002411 Wright, R.P. - Hassall, M.W.C. Roman Britain in 1971. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 3 1972 352-367
 B002861 Barrett, A.A. The career of Tiberius Claudius Cogidubnus. Britannia 10 1979 227-242
 B002862 Bogaers, J.E. King Cogidubnus in Chichester: Another Reading of RIB 91. Britannia 10 1979 243-254
 B003084 Hassall, M.W.C. - Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 1977. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 9 1978 473-485
 B003239 Hassall, M.W.C. - Wright, R.P. Roman Britain in 1973. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 5 1974 461-470
 B003240 Hassall, M.W.C. - Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 1976. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 8 1977 426-449
 B003694 Davies, R.W. Singulares and Roman Britain. Britannia 7 1976 134-144
 B003696 Wright, R.P. Tile-stamps of the sixth legion found in Britain. Britannia 7 1976 224-235
 B003880 Wright, R.P. - Tomlin, R.S.O. - Hassall, M.W.C. Roman Britain in 1974. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 6 1975 284-294
 B004183 Hassall, M.W.C. - Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 1978. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 10 1979 339-356
 B006007 Bowman, A.K. - Thomas, J.D. - Adams, J.N. Two letters from Vindolanda. Britannia 21 1990 33-52
 B006144 Hassall, M.W.C. - Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 1989. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 21 1990 365-378
 B006478 Hassall, M.W.C. - Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 1988. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 20 1989 327-345
 B007599 Hassall, M.W.C. - Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 1986. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 18 1987 360-377
 B007606 Rhodes, M. Inscriptions on leather waste from Roman London. Britannia 18 1987 173-181
 B008181 Hassall, M.W.C. - Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 1987. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 19 1988 485-508
 B011413 Hassall, M.W.C. - Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 2002. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 34 2003 361-382
 B011669 Tomlin, R.S.O. "The girl in question": a new text from Roman London. Britannia 34 2003 41-51
 B011670 Johns, C. The tombstone of Laetus' daughter: cats in Gallo-Roman sculpture. Britannia 34 2003 53-63
 B011746 Hassall, M.W.C. - Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 1993. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 25 1994 293-314
 B011965 Tomlin, R.S.O. - Hassall, M.W.C. Roman Britain in 1997. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 29 1998 433-445
 B011966 Penney, S. - Shotter, D.C.A. An inscribed Roman Salt-pan from Shavington, Cheshire. Britannia 27 1996 360-365
 B011975 Tomlin, R.S.O. - Hassall, M.W.C. Roman Britain in 2001. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 33 2002 355-371
 B012074 Bowman, A.K. - Thomas, J.D. New writing-tablets from Vindolanda. Britannia 27 1996 299-328
 B012099 Tomlin, R.S.O. - Hassall, M.W.C. Roman Britain in 2000. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 32 2001 387-400
 B012264 Hassall, M.W.C. - Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 1991. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 23 1992 309-324
 B012265 Hassall, M.W.C. - Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 1992. II. Inscriptions Britannia 24 1993 310-322
 B012300 Bagnall Smith, J. Votive objects and objects of votive significance from Great Walsingham. Britannia 30 1999 21-56
 B012325 Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 1990. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 22 1991 293-311
 B012339 Keppie, L. A Roman bath-house at Duntocher on the Antonine Wall. Britannia 35 2004 179-224
 B012340 Tomlin, R.S.O. - Hassall, M.W.C. Roman Britain in 2003. III. Inscriptions. Britannia 35 2004 335-349
 B012491 Hassall, M.W.C. - Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 2004. III. Inscriptions. Britannia 36 2005 473-497
 B012492 Sauer, E.W. Inscriptions from Alchester: Vespasian's base of the Second Augustan Legion(?). Britannia 36 2005 101-133
 B012493 Tully, G.D. A fragment of a military diploma for Pannonia found in Northern England. Britannia 36 2005 375-382
 B013193 Hartley, K. Stamped mortaria. In: R. Niblett - W. Manning - C. Saunders, Verulamium. Excavations within the Roman town 1986-1988, Britannia 37 2006 134-137
 B013201 Adamson, S. - Niblett, R. The small finds. In: R. Niblett - W. Manning - C. Saunders, Verulanium. Excavations within the Roman town 1986-1988. Britannia 37 2006 138-172
 B013202 Hayward, K.M.J. A geological link between the Facilis Monument at Colchester and first-century army tombstones from the Rhineland frontier. Britannia 37 2006 359-363
 B013203 Blair, I. - Spain, R. - Swift, D. - Taylor, T. - Goodburn, D. Wells and bucket chains. Unforeseen elements of water supply in early Roman London. Britannia 37 2006 1-52
 B013204 Worrell, S. II. Finds reported under the portable antiquities scheme. Britannia 37 2006 420-466
 B013205 Tomlin, R.S.O. - Hassall, M.W.C. Roman Britain in 2005. III. Inscriptions. Britannia 37 2006 467-488
 B013209 Davies, I.L. RIB 414. A "new" early garrison for a Welsh auxiliary fort? Britannia 32 2001 275-279
 B013496 Bezeczky, T. Notes. Britannia 27 1996 329-336
 B013559 Hassall, M.W.C. - Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 1995. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 27 1996 439-457
 B014214 Tomlin, R.S.O. - Hassall, M.W.C. Roman Britain in 1998. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 30 1999 375-386
 B014841 Adams, J.N. British Latin: The text, interpretation and language of the Bath curse tablets. Britannia 23 1992 1-26
 B014881 Hassall, M.W.C. - Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 1994. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 26 1995 371-390
 B014936 Ziennkiewicz, D. Excavations in the 'Scamnum Tribunorum' at Caerleon: The Legionary Museum Site 1983-5. Britannia 24 1993 27-140
 B014965 Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 1996. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 28 1997 454-472
 B015617 Speidel, M.P. The Risingham Praetensio. Britannia 29 1998 356-359
 B015618 Tomlin, R.S.O. - Hassall, M.W.C. Roman Britain in 1999. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 31 2000 432-449
 B015627 Birley, A.R. A New Tombstone from Vindolanda. Britannia 29 1998 299-306
 B015772 Tomlin, R.S.O. The Twentieth Legion at Wroxeter and Carlisle in the first century. The epigraphic evidence. Britannia 23 1992 146-158
 B015946 Ling, R. Inscriptions on Romano-British Mosaics and Wall-Paintings. Britannia 38 2007 63-91
 B015947 Tomlin, R.S.O. - Hassall, M.W.C. Roman Britain in 2006. III. Inscriptions. Britannia 38 2007 241-366
 B015948 Speidel, M.P. The missing weapons at Carlisle. Britannia 38 2007 237-239
 B015949 Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 2007. III. Inscriptions. Britannia 39 2008 203-390
 B015951 Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 2008. III. Inscriptions. Britannia 40 2009 313-364
 B016034 Fradley, M. The field archaeology of the Romano-British settlement at Charterhouse-on-Mendip. Britannia 40 2009 99-122
 B016051 Holder, N. Mapping the Roman inscriptions of London. Britannia 38 2007 13-34
 B016052 Jones, R.H. - McKeague, P. A 'Stracathro'-gated temporary camp at Raeburnfoot, Dumfrieshire, Scotland. Britannia 40 2009 123-136
 B016064 Casey, J. Who built Carpow? A review of events in Britain in the reigns of Commodus and Septimius Severus. Britannia 41 2010 225-235
 B016065 Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 2009. III. Inscriptions. Britannia 41 2010 440-469
 B016073 Bowman, A.K. - Thomas, J.D. - Tomlin, R.S.O. The Vindolanda writing-tablets (Tabulae Vindolandenses IV, Part 1). Britannia 41 2010 187-224
 B016246 Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 2010. III. Inscriptions. Britannia 42 2011 439-466
 B016276 Reddknap, M. Observations on Roman pottery from Pudding Pan and the Thames Esturay and early surveys. Britannia 46 2015 15-36
 B016278 Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 2014. III. Inscriptions. Britannia 46 2015 383-420
 B016344 Wild, F.C. The Samian Stamps. Britannia 42 2011 59-60
 B016398 Mairs, R. 'Interpreting' at Vindolanda: Commercial and Linguistic Mediation in the Roman Army. Britannia 43 2012 17-28
 B016451 Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 2011. III. Inscriptions. Britannia 43 2012 395-421
 B016458 Bowman, A.K. - Thomas, J.D. - Tomlin, R.S.O. The Vindolanda writing-tablets (Tabulae Vindolandenses IV, part 2). Britannia 42 2011 113-144
 B016459 Cuff, D.B. The king of the Batavians: remarks on Tab. Vindol. III, 628. Britannia 42 2011 145-146
 B016476 Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 2012. III. Inscriptions. Britannia 44 2013 381-396
 B016479 Magilton, J. RIB I, 2234: An alleged inscription from Chichester reconsidered. Britannia 44 2013 85-92
 B016490 Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 2013. III. Inscriptions. Britannia 45 2014 431-462
 B016491 Hassall, M.W.C. - Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman Britain in 1985. II. Inscriptions. Britannia 17 1986 428-454
 B016496 Tomlin, R.S.O. Roman manuscripts from Carlisle, the ink-written tablets. Britannia 29 1998 31-84
 B016497 Jackson, R. A new collyrium stamp from Cambridge and a corrected reading of the stamp from Caistor-by-Norwich. Britannia 21 1990 275-283
 B016499 Keppie, L. Searching out Roman inscripted and sculptured stones on the Antonine Wall in 1723. Britannia 45 2014 11-29
 B016506 Swan, V.G. - Philpott, R.A. Legio XX VV and tile production at Tarbock, Merseyside Britannia 31 2000 55-67
 B016507 Wilson, R.J.A. The Rudson Venus Mosaic revisited. A spear-bearing lion. Britannia 34 2003 288-291