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publication: In: A. Gallina Zevi - J.H. Humphrey (Hrsg.), Ostia, Cicero, Gamala, feasts

resulted in 2 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B012144 Cébeillac-Gervasoni, M. La dedica a Bona Dea da parte di Octavia, moglie di Gamala. In: A. Gallina Zevi - J.H. Humphrey (Hrsg.), Ostia, Cicero, Gamala, feasts & the economy. Papers in memory of John H.D'Arms. 2004 75-81
 B012145 Coarelli, F. Per una "topografia gamaliana" di Ostia. In: A. Gallina Zevi - J.H. Humphrey (Hrsg.), Ostia, Cicero, Gamala, feasts & the economy. Papers in memory of John H.D'Arms. 2004 89-98