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publication: In: V. Kovačić - J. Milanović (Hrsg.), Benediktinski samostan sv. Nikole u Trogir. Duhovnost i kultura u okrilju Virgines Dei. Zbornik radova prigodom 950. obljetnice utemeljenja (Spirituality and culture under the aegis of Virgines Dei. A collection of papers marking the 950th anniversary of its foundation).

resulted in 1 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B016289 Kovačić, V. Riznica urbane arheologije unutar samostanskih zidina. In: V. Kovačić - J. Milanović (Hrsg.), Benediktinski samostan sv. Nikole u Trogir. Duhovnost i kultura u okrilju Virgines Dei. Zbornik radova prigodom 950. obljetnice utemeljenja (Spirituality and culture under the aegis of Virgines Dei. A collection of papers marking the 950th anniversary of its foundation). 2014 75-85