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publication: In: A.B. Biernacki - R. Czerner (Hrsg.), Biskupstwo w Novae (Moesia secunda) IV-VI w. Historia, architektura. (The Bishopric of Novae (Moesia secunda), 4th-6th cent. History, architecture, daily life 1. Hisotry, architecture)
resulted in 1 hits. ( CSV Download)
ID | author | title | publication | volume | years | pages |
B016049 | Wujewski, T. | Stela Tettii z Novae. | In: A.B. Biernacki - R. Czerner (Hrsg.), Biskupstwo w Novae (Moesia secunda) IV-VI w. Historia, architektura. (The Bishopric of Novae (Moesia secunda), 4th-6th cent. History, architecture, daily life 1. Hisotry, architecture) | 2013 | 189-192 |