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publication: In: Acta of the Fifth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Cambridge 1967.

resulted in 12 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B001858 Olajos, T. Les inscriptions de la statue d'Aétius et Merobaudes. In: Acta of the Fifth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Cambridge 1967. 1971 469-472
 B001879 Karup, P. The Faustinus-Inscription from Sperlonga. In: Acta of the Fifth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Cambridge 1967. 1971 215-218
 B002477 Torelli, M. Contributo della regio IV all'albo senatorio di età imperiale: M. Hirrius Fronto Neratius Pansa. In: Acta of the Fifth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Cambridge 1967. 1971 235-240
 B002840 Meloni, P. Stato attuale dell'epigrafia latina in Sardegna e nuove acquisizioni. In: Acta of the Fifth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Cambridge 1967. 1971 242-245
 B003489 Zevi, F. La sistemazione della collezione epigrafica ostiense e la carriera di Q. Baieno Blassiano. In: Acta of the Fifth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Cambridge 1967. 1971 193-199
 B003639 Hošek, R. Two new Inscriptions from Rusovce. In: Acta of the Fifth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Cambridge 1967. 1971 307-310
 B004056 Szilágyi, J. Inschriften mit historischem Hintergrund aus Aquincum. In: Acta of the Fifth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Cambridge 1967. 1971 311-316
 B004096 Macrea, M. Apollo Parthicus. In: Acta of the Fifth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Cambridge 1967. 1971 349-356
 B004233 Gerov, B. Die Invasion der Carpen im Jahre 214. In: Acta of the Fifth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Cambridge 1967. 1971 431-436
 B004244 Michaelidou-Nicolaou, I. Antistius Sabinus, an unknown praeses of Cyprus. In: Acta of the Fifth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Cambridge 1967. 1971 381-383
 B004245 Mitford, T.B. Studia Pontica III Fascicle 2 - Sixty Years of Progress. In: Acta of the Fifth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Cambridge 1967. 1971 377-380
 B004743 Popa, A. - Berciu, I. Numerus M. Hisp. en Dacie. In: Acta of the Fifth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Cambridge 1967. 1971 357-360