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publication: In: D.J. Buck - D.J. Mattingly (Hrsg.), Town and country in Roman Tripolitania. Papers in honour of Olwen Hackett.

resulted in 2 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B002015 Di Vita-Évrard, G. Regio Tripolitana. A reappraisal. In: D.J. Buck - D.J. Mattingly (Hrsg.), Town and country in Roman Tripolitania. Papers in honour of Olwen Hackett. 1985 143-163
 B002049 Rebuffat, R. Le "limes'' de Tripolitaine. In: D.J. Buck - D.J. Mattingly (Hrsg.), Town and country in Roman Tripolitania. Papers in honour of Olwen Hackett. 1985 127-141