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 B001364 Peppas-Delmousou, D. A statue base for Augustus. IG 2,2 3262 + IG 2,2 4725. AJPh 100 1979 125-132
 B001483 MacMullen, R. The epigraphic habit in the Roman Empire. AJPh 103 1982 233-246
 B001754 Sherk, R.K. A chronology of the governors of Galatia: A.D. 122-285. AJPh 100 1979 166-175
 B001869 Daux, G. La formule onomastique dans le domaine grec sous l'Empire romain. AJPh 100 1979 13-30
 B002057 Speidel, M.P. Cash from the emperor. A veterans' gravestone at Elecik in Galatia. AJPh 104 1983 282-286
 B002351 Eck, W. Statius Silvae 1.4 und C. Rutilius Gallicus als proconsul Asiae II. AJPh 106 1985 475-484
 B002418 Oliver, J.H. Greek applications for the Roman trials. AJPh 100 1979 543-558
 B002435 Macro, A.D. A confirmed asiarch. AJPh 100 1979 94-98
 B002490 Babcock, C.L. An inscription of Trajan Decius from Cosa. AJPh 83 1962 147-158
 B002533 Jones, C.P. A Syrian in Lyon. AJPh 99 1978 336-353
 B003206 D'Arms, H.J. Notes on municipal notables of imperial Ostia. AJPh 97 1976 387-411
 B004636 Gilliam, I.F. The veterans and praefectus castrorum of the II Traiana in A.D. 157. AJPh 77 1956 359-375
 B004716 Oliver, J.H. Text of the Tabula Banasitana, A.D. 177. AJPh 93 1972 336-340
 B004728 Speidel, M.P. The pedites singulares Pannoniciani in Mauretania. AJPh 93 1972 299-305
 B004902 Oliver, J.H. A Roman governor visits Samothrace. AJPh 87 1966 75-80
 B005009 Swift, L.J. - Oliver, J.H. Constantius II on Flavius Philippus. AJPh 83 1962 247-264
 B006339 van Buren, A.W. A Pompeian distich. AJPh 80 1959 380-382
 B006734 Oliver, J.H. Zu: A. Stein, Die Legaten von Moesien (Budapest 1940). AJPh 69 1948 217-222
 B006741 Oliver, J.H. The epitaph of Aerarius Aper at Tarraco. AJPh 78 1957 152-162
 B006831 Prakken, D.W. Two Latin inscriptions at Indiana University. AJPh 66 1945 309-311
 B007006 van Buren, A.W. Gnaeus Alleius Nigidius Maius of Pompeii. AJPh 68 1947 382-393
 B007169 Oliver, J.H. Zu: A.E. Gordon, Quintus Veranius consul A.D. 49. A study based upon his recently identified sepulchral inscription, UCPA 2, 1952, 231-351. AJPh 75 1954 206-210
 B007644 Frank, M.T. The new elogium of Julius Caesars' father. AJPh 58 1937 90-93
 B007978 McCracken, G. The gens Porcia and Monte Porzio Catone. AJPh 61 1940 73-77
 B008101 Langford Wilson, H. A new Italic divinity. AJPh 28 1907 450-455
 B008368 Oliver, J.H. Zu A. Stein, Die Reichsbeamten von Dazien (Budapest 1944). AJPh 69 1948 222-224
 B008591 Taylor, L.R. Tiberius' "oratio" and the "Ara Numinis Augusti". AJPh 58 1937 185-193
 B008710 Harris, M.V. An inscription recording a proconsul's visit to Samothrace in 165 A.D. AJPh 113 1992 71-79
 B008934 West, L. The Roman gold standard and the ancient sources. AJPh 62 1941 289-301
 B008949 van Buren, A.W. Inscriptions from Rome. AJPh 48 1927 18-28
 B009009 Ross Taylor, L. The history of the secular games. AJPh 55 1934 101-120
 B009565 Chilver, G. E. F. Princeps and frumentationes. AJPh 70 1949 7-21
 B010124 Langford Wilson, H. - Van Deman Magoffin, R. III. - Latin inscriptions at the Johns Hopkins University. AJPh 35 1914 421-434
 B010481 Sherwood Fox, W. The John Hopkins tabellae defixionum. AJPh 33 1912 1-68
 B010483 Langford Wilson, H. III.- Latin inscriptions at the Johns Hopkins University. AJPh 33 1912 168-185.
 B011276 Wilson, H.L. Latin inscriptions at the Johns Hopkins University. V. AJPh 31 1910 251-264
 B011278 Wilson, H.L. Latin inscriptions at the Johns Hopkins University. VI. AJPh 32 1911 166-187
 B011314 Langford Wilson, H. Latin inscriptions at the Johns Hopkins University. II. AJPh 30 1909 61-71
 B011353 Langford Wilson, H. Latin inscriptions at the Johns Hopkins University. III. AJPh 30 1909 153-170
 B012401 Wilson, H.L. Latin inscriptions at the Johns Hopkins University. IV. AJPh 31 1910 25-42
 B013636 Haverfield, F. Notes from Krain, Croatia, and Serbia. JPh 17 1888 274-288
 B013938 Potter, D.S. - Damon, C. The senatus consultum de Cn. Pisone patre. AJPh 120 1999 13-41
 B013939 Damon, C. - Takács, S. Introduction. AJPh 120 1999 1-12