Bibliographic Database

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The search for:

publication: LCM

resulted in 5 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B000005 Adams, J.N. Four notes on the latin sexual language. LCM 7 1982 86-88. 150
 B000101 Benario, H.W. Iuno coniugalis Sabina. LCM 5 1980 37-39
 B001118 Treggiari, S. M. Antonius Felix: not a freedman transformed? LCM 6 1981 71-72
 B001119 Treggiari, S. - Dorken, S. Women with two living husbands in CIL VI. LCM 6 1981 269-272
 B002008 Curchin, L.A. Men of the cloth: Reflexions on the Roman linen trade, Based on a new document from Bordeaux. LCM 10 1985 34-35