Bibliographic Database

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publication: MUSJ

resulted in 9 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B000067 (o. Autor) Selected Acquisitions 1981. Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Archaeology. IsrMusJ 1 1982 93
 B000212 Burstein, S.M. Two inscribed bronze dedications in the J. Paul Getty Museum. GettyMusJ 9 1981 99-100
 B000585 Hodot, R. Décret de Kymè en l'honneur du prytane Kléanax. GettyMusJ 10 1982 165-180
 B000768 Mellor, R. A new Roman military diploma. GettyMusJ 6/7 1978/79 173-184
 B000963 Rodríguez Almeida, E. Epigraphica minora del J. Paul Getty Museum. GettyMusJ 10 1982 187-194
 B001117 Treggiari, S. Two Latin inscriptions. GettyMusJ 10 1982 181-186
 B001673 Meshorer, Y. Two finds from the 10th Roman legion. IsrMusJ 3 1984 41-45
 B008588 Jentolft-Nilsen, M. A lead curse tablet. GettyMusJ 8 1980 199-201
 B012733 Mouterde, R. Notes épigraphiques. MUSJ 3 1909 535-555