Bibliographic Database

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publication: QAP

resulted in 5 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B001996 Avi-Yonah, M. Greek and Latin inscriptions from Jerusalem and Beisān. QAP 8 1939 54-61
 B006495 Avi-Yonah, M. Newly discovered Latin and Greek inscriptions. QAP 12 1946 84-102
 B007199 Avi-Yonah, M. Newly discovered Latin and Greek inscriptions. QAP 12 1946 84-102
 B007349 Iliffe, J. H. A building inscription from the Syrian limes. QAP 10 1944 62-64
 B008687 Iliffe, J.H. Greek and Latin inscriptions in the museum. QAP 2 1933 120-126