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publication: RESE

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 B000323 Desanges, J. - Lancel, S. L'apport des nouvelles lettres à la géographie historique de l'Afrique antique et de l'Eglise d'Afrique. In: Les lettres de Saint Augustin découvertes par Johannes Divjak. Communications présentées au colloque des 20 et 21 Septembre 1982. 1983 87-89
 B000371 Drew-Bear, T. Three inscriptions from Asia Minor. In: Studies presented to Sterling Dow on his eightieth birthday. 1984 61-69
 B002041 Mirković, M. Vom obermösischen Limes nach dem Süden: Via Nova von Viminacium nach Dardanien. In: W.S. Hanson - L.F.J. Keppie (Hrsg.), Roman frontier studies. Papers presented to the 12. International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, 1979. 1979 745-755
 B003151 Lieb, H. Expleta statione. In: M.G. Jarret - B. Dobson (Hrsg.), Britain and Rome. Essays presented to E. Birley on his 60th birthday. 1965 139-144
 B005214 Gordon, A.E. - Gordon, J.S. Three Latin inscriptions of 52 B.C. In: A.S. Osley (Hrsg.), Calligraphy and palaeography. Essays presented to Alfred Fairbank on his 70th birthday. 1965 35-41
 B005440 Bloch, H. The name of the bath near the forum of Ostia. In: G.E. Mylonas - D. Raymond (Hrsg.), Studies presented to David Moore Robinson on his 70th Birthday 1953 412-418
 B006145 Iliescu, O. Nouvelles informations relatives aux lingots romains d'or, trouvés en Transylvanie. RESE 3 1965 269-281
 B006340 Caballos Rufino, A. - Eck, W. - Fernández Gómez, F. Nuevas aportaciones al análisis del s. c. de Cn. Pisone patre. In: P. Sáez - S. Ordóñez (Hrsg.), Homenaje al profesor Presedo. 1994 319-322
 B007613 Ramsay, W.M. Early history of province Galatia. In: W.M. Calder - J. Keil (Hrsg.), Anatolian studies presented to William Hepburn Buckler. 1939 201-225
 B008502 Tod, M.N. The Macedonian era reconsidered. In: G.E. Mylonas - D. Raymond (Hrsg.), Studies presented to David Moore Robinson on his seventieth birthday. 2 1953 382-397
 B012726 Kurilić, A. Recent epigraphic finds from the Roman province of Dalmatia. In: D. Davison - V. Gaffney - E. Marin (Hrsg.), Dalmatia. Research in the Roman province 1970-2001. Papers in honour of J.J. Wilkes. 2006 133-173
 B015153 Makres, A. The sacred Gerousia in the Peloponnese. A new epigraphic document from ancient Korone. In: O. Palagia - H.R. Goette (Hrsg.), Sailing to classical Greece. Papers on Greek art, archaeology and epigraphy presented to Petros Themelis. 2011 70-78
 B015288 Kovács, P. - Lőrincz, B. - Fehér, B. VI. Inscriptiones. Inscriptiones ad historiam pertinentes. - VI. Feliratok. Történeti jelentőségű feliratok. In: P. Kovács - B. Fehér (Hrsg.), Historia Pannoniae ab a. D. LIV usque ad initia belli Marcomannici (CLXVI). - Pannonia története Kr. u. 54-től a markomann háború kitöréséig (166), Fontes Pannoniae Antiquae 2 2003 84-115
 B015308 Mráv, Z. Building Munificences of Septimius Severus in the cities of the Pannonian provinces: epigraphic evidence. In: B. Migotti (Hrsg.), The Archaeology of Roman Southern Pannonia. The state of research and selected problems in the Croatian past of the Roman province of Pannonia 2012 251-278
 B016425 Tudor, D. Nouvelles données épigraphiques relatives à C. Arrius Antoninus, consularis Daciae et Dalmatiae et à P. Helvius Pertinax, consularis Daciae. RESE 11 1973 415-422
 B016493 Tomlin, R.S.O. 'Drive away the cloud of plague': A Greek amulet from Roman London. In: R. Collins - F. McIntosh, Life in the limes: Studies of the people and objects of the Roman frontiers presented to Lindsay Allason-Jones on the occasion of her birthday and retirement. 2014 197-205.