Bibliographic Database

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publication: TAPhA

resulted in 6 hits. ( CSV Download)

 B001064 Speidel, M.P. The careers of a legionary. TAPhA 112 1982 209-214
 B007519 Moore Robinson, D. II. - Inscriptions from Macedonia, 1938. TAPhA 69 1938 43-76
 B008648 Benario, H.W. The titulature of Julia Soaemias and Julia Mamaea: Two notes. TAPhA 90 1959 9-14
 B008997 Robinson, D.M. A new Latin economic edict from Pisidian Antioch. TAPhA 55 1924 5-20
 B009005 Robinson, D.M. XI. - Greek and Latin inscriptions from Asia Minor. TAPhA 57 1926 195-237
 B009768 Kelsey, F. W. A waxed tablet of the year 128 A. D. TAPhA 54 1923 187-195