Application Programming Interface (API)
All data of the Open Data Repository by the Epigraphic Database Heidelberg can be reused under the CC BY-SA 4.0 licence.
Table of Contents:
- Search parameters for
- Response format
- Controlled Vocabularies
Search Parameters
1. Inscriptions
The generic search pattern URI is the following:
E.g. query for inscriptions with "votum solvit" within the Latin transcription from both Germaniae that are dated after 200 AD:
/data/api/inschrift/suche?provinz=ges&provinz=gei&atext1=votum solvit&jahr_a=200You can query for:
- hd_nr (HD-No of inscription)
- provinz province (get list of valid values below, case insensitive)
- land country (get list of valid values below, case insensitive)
- fo_modern modern findspot (add leading and/or trailing truncation by asterisk *, e.g. fo_modern=köln*, case insensitive)
- fo_antik ancient findspot (add leading and/or trailing truncation by asterisk *, e.g. fo_antik=aquae*, case insensitive)
- dat_jahr_a year not before (integer, BC years are negative integers)
- dat_jahr_e year not after (integer, BC years are negative integers)
- tm_nr Trismegistos ID (integer value)
- atext1 transcription (automatic leading & trailing truncation, brackets are ignored)
- inschriftgattung type of inscription, get list of values below, case insensitive
2. Photos
The generic search pattern URI is the following:
E.g. query for photos of inscriptions from Germany that are part of the CIL corpus:
You can query for:
- provinz province (get list of valid values below, case insensitive)
- land country (get list of valid values below, case insensitive)
- fo_modern modern findspot (add leading and/or trailing truncation by asterisk *, e.g. fo_modern=köln*, case insensitive)
- fo_antik ancient findspot (add leading and/or trailing truncation by asterisk *, e.g. fo_antik=aquae*, case insensitive)
- cil CIL (automatic leading & trailing truncation)
- ae AE (automatic leading & trailing truncation)
- kommentar commentary (automatic leading & trailing truncation, case insensitive)
- aufbewahrung present location (automatic leading & trailing truncation, case insensitive)
- hd_nr (HD No. of inscription)
3. Bibliography
The generic search pattern URI is the following:
E.g. query for publications by Alföldy:
You can query for:
- autor author (automatic leading & trailing truncation)
- titel title (automatic leading & trailing truncation)
- jahr year
- publikation publication (automatic leading & trailing truncation)
- ae AE (automatic leading & trailing truncation)
- cil CIL (automatic leading & trailing truncation)
- sonstige other publication (automatic leading & trailing truncation)
4. Geography
The generic search pattern URI is the following:
E.g. query for all findspots filtered by country = Germany:
You can query for:
- provinz province (get list of valid values below, case insensitive)
- land country (get list of valid values below, case insensitive)
- fo_modern modern findspot (add leading and/or trailing truncation by asterisk *, e.g. fo_modern=köln*, case insensitive)
- fot_antik ancient findspot (add leading and/or trailing truncation by asterisk *, e.g. fo_antik=aquae*, case insensitive)
- findspot findspot (level of village, street etc.; add leading and/or trailing truncation by asterisk *, e.g. findspot_modern=köln*, case insensitive)
- pleiades_id (Pleiades identifier of a place; integer value)
- geonames_id (Geonames identifier of a place; integer value)
Response format
The API returns responses in JSON format:
{"total" : 61, "limit" : "20", "items" : [ ... ]}
Results are paginated with a default of 20 hits per page; you can change this with the limit-parameter, if needed you can also specify an offset e.g.:
Controlled Vocabularies
Code | Province |
Ach | Achaia |
Aeg | Aegyptus |
Aem | Aemilia (Regio VIII) |
Afr | Africa Proconsularis |
AlC | Alpes Cottiae |
AlG | Alpes Graiae |
AlM | Alpes Maritimae |
AlP | Alpes Poeninae |
ApC | Apulia et Calabria (Regio II) |
Aqu | Aquitania |
Ara | Arabia |
Arm | Armenia |
Asi | Asia |
Ass | Assyria |
Bae | Baetica |
Bar | Barbaricum |
Bel | Belgica |
BiP | Bithynia et Pontus |
BrL | Bruttium et Lucania (Regio III) |
Bri | Britannia |
Cap | Cappadocia |
Cil | Cilicia |
Cor | Corsica |
Cre | Creta |
Cyp | Cyprus |
Cyr | Cyrene |
Dac | Dacia |
Dal | Dalmatia |
Epi | Epirus |
Etr | Etruria (Regio VII) |
Gal | Galatia |
GeI | Germania inferior |
GeS | Germania superior |
HiC | Hispania citerior |
Inc | Provincia incerta |
Iud | Iudaea |
LaC | Latium et Campania (Regio I) |
Lig | Liguria (Regio IX) |
Lug | Lugdunensis |
Lus | Lusitania |
LyP | Lycia et Pamphylia |
MaC | Mauretania Caesariensis |
MaT | Mauretania Tingitana |
Mak | Macedonia |
Mes | Mesopotamia |
MoI | Moesia inferior |
MoS | Moesia superior |
Nar | Narbonensis |
Nor | Noricum |
Num | Numidia |
PaI | Pannonia inferior |
PaS | Pannonia superior |
Pic | Picenum (Regio V) |
Rae | Raetia |
ReB | Regnum Bospori |
Rom | Roma |
Sam | Samnium (Regio IV) |
Sar | Sardinia |
Sic | Sicilia, Melita |
Syr | Syria |
Thr | Thracia |
Tra | Transpadana (Regio XI) |
Tri | Tripolitania |
Umb | Umbria (Regio VI) |
Val | Valeria |
VeH | Venetia et Histria (Regio X) |
Code | Country |
ad | Andorra |
al | Albania |
am | Armenia |
at | Austria |
az | Azerbaijan |
ba | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
be | Belgium |
bg | Bulgaria |
ch | Switzerland |
cy | Cyprus |
cz | Czech Republic |
de | Germany |
dk | Denmark |
dz | Algeria |
eg | Egypt |
es | Spain |
fr | France |
gb | United Kingdom |
ge | Georgia |
gi | Gibraltar |
gr | Greece |
hr | Croatia |
hu | Hungary |
il | Israel |
iq | Iraq |
it | Italy |
jo | Jordan |
kg | Kyrgyzstan |
kz | Kazakhstan |
lb | Lebanon |
li | Liechtenstein |
lu | Luxembourg |
ly | Libyan Arab Jamahiriya |
ma | Morocco |
mc | Monaco |
md | Moldova |
me | Montenegro |
mk | Macedonia |
mt | Malta |
nl | Netherlands |
pl | Poland |
pt | Portugal |
rks | Kosovo |
ro | Romania |
rs | Serbia |
ru | Russia |
sa | Saudi Arabia |
sd | Sudan |
se | Sweden |
si | Slovenia |
sk | Slovakia |
sm | San Marino |
sy | Syrian Arab Republic |
tj | Tajikistan |
tn | Tunisia |
tr | Turkey |
ua | Ukraine |
uz | Uzbekistan |
va | Vatican City State |
ye | Yemen |
Type of Inscription
Code | Type of Inscription |
brief | Letter |
diplmil | Military diploma |
elogium | Elogium |
fasti | Calendar |
indexlaterc | List |
miliarium | Mile-/Leaguestone |
nota | Identification inscription |
oratio | Prayer |
titaccl | Acclamation |
titadnun | Adnuntiatio |
titadsig | Assignation inscription |
titdefix | Defixio |
tithon | Honorific inscription |
titiurpriv | Private legal inscription |
titiurpub | Public legal inscription |
titoppubpriv | Building/dedicatory inscription |
titpossfabr | Owner/artist inscription |
titreiexpl | Label |
titsac | Votive inscription |
titsedspect | Seat inscription |
titsep | Epitaph |
titterm | Boundary inscription |
The Distributed Text Services (DTS) Specification defines an API for working with collections of text as machine-actionable data.
The base URL for the EDH DTS API is: /data/api/dts and defines three APIs: Collection, Document and Navigation.
The Collections API allows for accessing the EDH Collection with its members (inscriptions): /data/api/dts/collections.
Via the Documents API you cann access the transcription of single inscriptions, here you can either have the full transcription as repsonse (e.g. /data/api/dts/document/?id=HD000006), a single columnn (e.g.: /data/api/dts/document/?id=HD000006&ref=2) or the line of a column (/data/api/dts/document/?id=HD000006&ref=2.2).