Geographic Database

Gostavăţu (Slăveni)

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Leaflet | Map Data: DARE
ancient find spot:
modern find spot:
find spot:
IDR: Slaveni: Castrul este situat in mijlocul satului actual, in locul numit Ceate. Intre acesta si malul Oltului se intind asezarea civila, thermele si probabile necropola
suprafata: Blaremberg (descrie mithreul desc. in 1837) ...
Sap. sistematice : Tocilescu, prin Polonic, 1893
1962 : Tudor
Princeton: SLĂVENI (Gostavăţ) Olt, Romania.
A Roman settlement and camp on the limes Alutanus. The civil center is traversed by the Roman road (6 m wide). The center (1 km x 300 m) was flanked by two necropoleis to the N and S. Excavations made during the last century have uncovered a mithraeum dug out of the bank of the Olt, and have revealed the foundations of several important buildings. The first earthen camp was built during the era of Trajan and Hadrian by a few detachments of the legions V Macedonica, XIII Gemina, ala I Hispanorum, ala I Claudia, Cohors I Fl. Commagenorum. These troops from Moesia inferior marched against the Dacians in 105, going up the Olt Valley. A second camp, built on the first, was constructed in 205. It was slightly larger than the first (198 x 176.6 m) with four gates, corner towers, a praetorium (43.20 x 37.4 m), a horreum, etc. It was the work of the ala I Hisp. and the numerus Syrorum sagittariorum. The inscriptions in the camp mention a basilica castrensis, a collegium duplariorum, a series of names of officers and soldiers, dedications to Septimius Severus and his sons, to Philip the Arab, etc. A deposit of coins buried in A.D. 248 and other isolated coins are proof that the civil settlement and the camp were finally destroyed by the Carpo-Gothic invasions of 249-50. To the E of the camp, excavations have unearthed some bath installations.
Material from excavations is in the museums of Craiova and Slăveni.
3: HD011490 : AE 1974, 0556.
D. Tudor, StCercIstorV 26, 1975, 129-130, Nr. 9 : ohne FO.
5: HD016181 : AE 1966, 0314.
D. Tudor, StCercIstorV 16 1965, 360, Nr. 9 : Slaveni (dintr-o foaie volanta din arhiva de sapaturi arh. ale lui Tocilescu-Polonic facute la Slaveni mi-am extras ...)
IDR 2, 510 ebenso
11: HD043959 : AE 2002, 1224.
D. Bondoc - D.R. Dincă, Inscripţii şi piese sculpturale. Muzeul romana ţitului Caracal (Craiova 2002) 26, Nr. 30, 1; fig. 30, 1. - AE 2002.
ILD 131 : -.
17: HD047032 : IDR 2, 511 : -
CIL 03, 13799 : Slaveni repertum
TM Geo-ID:
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4 inscription(s) from this findspot

HD011490: Owner/artist inscription from Gostavăţu (Dacia)
HD016181: Votive inscription from Gostavăţu (Dacia)
HD043959: Votive inscription from Gostavăţu (Dacia)
HD047032: Inscription from Gostavăţu (Dacia)
