Geographic Database

Candidiana – Glavinica (Malâk Preslavec, bei)

Canonical URI: (Last Updates: 2016-04-04 , Klar)

ancient find spot:
modern find spot:
find spot:
Malâk Preslavec, bei
216896 (Nigrinianis/Candidiana) The Barrington Atlas Directory notes: Maluk Preslavets BUL
Trismegistos : Nigrinianae (Nigrinianis) - Candidiana - Malak Preslavets (Malak Preslavec - Malak Presslavez) - Dolno Ryahovo
Candidiana, wie CIL und da zumindest eindeutig ein Nominativ; zudem entsprechend der Entstehungszeit des Steins.
Velkov: sulla strada che corre lungo il limes danubiano… Le rovine del castello si trovano a 5km dall'attuale cittadina Malak Presslavez, corcondario di Silistra … situata in buona posizione strategica. => Entfernungsangabe und strategische Situation könnten zur Anhöhe östlich des Sumpfes passen.
Dagegen ist der Ort nach CIL nicht direkt an der Donau.
Die (verschiedenen) Angaben für Nigrinianis und Candidiana bei guide-bulgaria (s.u.) helfen auch nicht weiter
Im Satellitenbild keine Reste entdeckt => Keinen Marker gesetzt
Malŭk Preslavets (Breslawec,Cadichioi,Kada K'oy,Kada K’oy,Malki Preslavets,Maluk Preslavec,Maluk Preslavets,Malŭk Pres...Малък Преславец) ca. 88 m - 729293 - BG » Silistra 55 » Obshtina Glavinitsa SLS07 » Maluk Preslavec
1: HD009808: AE 1972, 0504 : Malak Presslavez, près de Silistria (Nigrinianis).
V. Velkov, ArchClass 23, 1971, 121-123 : Fra le città di Durostorum (mod. Silistra) e Transmarisca (mod. Tutrakan) sulla strada che corre lungo il limes danubiano e ubicata la stazione stradale di Nigrinianis (Tab. Peut. VIII, 2), noto dopo Diocleziano come castello Candidiana, col nome cambiato nel significato opposto a quello precedente, come in altri casi in Pannonia e Mesia. Nel 1962 fu rinvenuta fra le rovine del castello una lapide … recante una inscrizione latina … si tratta di una dedica … datata mediante il soprannome Alexandriana della leg. XI Claudia all’ epoca di Severo Alessandro (222/235)
ruins of the Late-Roman fortress Nigrinianis are located near village of Dolno Ryahovo in an area called "Bairaktar chair", 3.7 km north of the village and 0.5 km southwest of the wharf in the areas of Gradishteto and Maraya. According to the map of Castoria, the site was a station on the Roman road running along the Danube which comming from Nove (Svishtov) and passing also: Sexaginta Prista (Ruse) - Transmariska (Tutrakan) - Nigrinianis - Candidiana - Tegulitsium (Vetren) - Durostorum (Silistra).
Location: Village Malak Preslavets »
In Bulgarian: Крепост Кандидиана »

The ruins of late antique town and fortress Candidiana are located in lands of Malak Preslavets village, around 4.2 km north of the lilies marsh and 0.5 km east of the pier in the area of "Sara Borun". It was founded during the end of the III-th and beginning of the IV-th century and existed till the end of VI-th and beginning of the VII-th century. From the last quarter of the III-th till first half of the IV-th century here is functioned "figlina" as a part of the IX-th Claudius legion.

Nowadays very large part of the castle was collapsed in the bed of Danube river but there are still preserved traces from its south wall, built of stones and cemented with clay.

The site is included in an archaeological park together with the site of the late-Roman town-fortress Nigrinianis ("Nigrinianis-Candidiana" ).
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1 inscription(s) from this findspot

HD009808: Votive inscription from Candidiana – Glavinica (Moesia inferior)
