Geographic Database

Scupi – Skopje

Canonical URI: (Last Updates: 2017-10-04 , Klar)

Leaflet | Map Data: DARE
ancient find spot:
modern find spot:
find spot:
Skopski region
Die Schuhfabrik Gazela liegt nach
Am Knie des Vardar bei der Einmündung des Lepenec. Dor lässt sich jedoch kein Gebäude finden, das der Abbildung
Daher keinen eigenen Datensatz angelegt.

1: HD059925: AE 2006, 1191 : Skopje. En 1986, lors des travaux de construction de la fabrique "Gazela".
L. Jovanova, ZborArheologija 2, 2005, 149-155 : during the construction works on the administrative building in frames of the factory "Gazela"

möglicherweise handelt es sich um (Wikipedia):
Cifte hammam (Macedonian: Чифте-амам) is a hammam in the Old Bazaar of Skopje, Macedonia. It was built in the mid-15th century by Bosnian general Isa-Beg Ishaković in order to provide a regular source of income for his endowment. Name of the hammam is derived from the Turkish word "çift" meaning "two" or "couple" as the building consists of two main parts.
Wegen Unsicherheit nicht eigens angelegt

√ 6: HD043415: IMS 6, 168 : Skopje. Vue par Evans "dans le Hamam of the Two Sisters" avec les nos 161 et 184
CIL 03, 08230 : Uesküb in the old Hamam ….

√ 19: HD036190: IMS 6, 161 : Evans l'a vu à Skopje dans le "Hamam of the two sisters" avec les nos 168 et 184
CIL 03, 08228 : Uesküb in the old Hamam of the two sisters; latere videtur in domo balneis vicina ….

√ 20: HD036192: IMS 6, 165 : Skopje. Vu par Evans non loin de la fontaine de Sauk
CIL 03, 08225 : Uesküb in the pavement of a neighbouring street of the "two sisters" Hamam.

Unklar welche Moschee

√ 14: HD036057: IMS 6, 085 : déc. à Skopje dans les ruines d'une mosquée, avec le no 144
CIL 03, 08208 : Uesküb in ruinis moscheae, ubi est n. 8219

√ 17: HD036175: IMS 6, 144 : Skopje. Vue par Evans et D. dans les ruines d'une mosquée avec le no 85.
CIL 03, 08219 : Uesküb in ruinis moscheae.

√ 22: HD036262: IMS 6, 202 : Skopje. Vu par Evans non loin de l'école orthodoxe …
CIL 03, 08274 : Uesküb, supports a wooden column of the verandah in front of a Turkish house near the orthodox school; frustra quaesivi

Die Fundstelle ist im www sonst nicht belegt

√ 25: HD036932: IMS 6, 020 : Skopje. Vu par Evans dans le quartier "Balaban" (Balaban-mahala)
=> Researches … 3-4 : Archaeologia 49 1885 101 : recently been found by a Turkish Sheik in his garden in the Balaban Mahala … (fig. 57), 120 : The fr. (fig. 57 found in modern Üsküp (see p. 101)), 121 (Abb.)
TM Geo-ID:
Geonames ID:
Work Status:

8 inscription(s) from this findspot

HD036057: Epitaph from Scupi – Skopje (Moesia superior)
HD036175: Epitaph from Scupi – Skopje (Moesia superior)
HD036190: Epitaph from Scupi – Skopje (Moesia superior)
HD036192: Epitaph from Scupi – Skopje (Moesia superior)
HD036262: Mile-/leaguestone from Scupi – Skopje (Moesia superior)
HD036932: Votive inscription from Scupi – Skopje (Moesia superior)
HD043415: Epitaph from Scupi – Skopje (Moesia superior)
HD059925: Building/dedicatory inscription from Scupi – Skopje (Moesia superior)
