Geographic Database

Prokuplje, bei (Glavšinska čuka, Latinska crkva)

Canonical URI: (Last Updates: 2017-02-28 , Klar)

Leaflet | Map Data: DARE
ancient find spot:
modern find spot:
Prokuplje, bei
find spot:
Glavšinska čuka, Latinska crkva
Centralna Srbija
Prokuplje ca. 259 m - 786690 - P PPLA2 seat of a second-order administrative division
Serbia RS » Central Serbia SE » Toplica 21 » Opština Prokuplje 70998
population : 27673 - 43.23417, 21.58806
Wikimapia hilft nicht wirklich weiter; das Folgende lokalisiert Glavsinska cuka bei Zitorada, Latinska crkva ind Prokuplje, daher keine Lokalisierung vorgenommen
The World of the Slavs : Studies of the East, West and South ... - Google Books-Ergebnisseite (273, Anm. 1003) :
Ad Herculem was located at the site of Glavšinska čuka, in the vicinity of the present-day Zitorada. Hammeum (Acmeon) was located at the foothill of Hisar [im Südwesten der Stadt, wo zunächst Jug Bogdanova Kula sichtbar wird] at the site Latinska crkva in Prokuplje
1: HD035920 : IMS 4, 103 : Découvert en 1895 dans l'église médiévale "Latinska crkva", au lieu-dit Glavšinska čuka, près de Prokuplje, non loin des ruines d'une forteresse paléobyzantine
anscheinend nicht erfasst:
102: Mise au jour en 1975 à Prokuplje, lors des fouilles au lieu-dit "Latinska crkva" avec deux statuettes d'Hercule en marbre.
206880 (Ad Herculem) The Barrington Atlas Directory notes: Žitoradja YUG
207164 (Hammeum) The Barrington Atlas Directory notes: Prokuplje? YUG
TM Geo-ID:
Geonames ID:
Work Status:

1 inscription(s) from this findspot

HD035920: Inscription from Prokuplje, bei (Moesia superior)
