Geographic Database

Philippopolis – Plovdiv

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Leaflet | Map Data: DARE
ancient find spot:
modern find spot:
find spot:
216927 (Philippopolis/Trimontium) (Plovdiv)
Plovdiv ca. 169 m
P PPLA seat of a first-order administrative division
Bulgaria BG » Plovdiv 51 » Obshtina Plovdiv PDV22
population : 340494
√ 1: HD065224 : AE 2005, 1389 : [1385-1390 : Plovdiv] prov. exacte inconnue
N. Sharankov, GodDepSredIztIzsled 2, 2004, 201-203, Nr. 4; fig. 6; 8a-c; 9. - AE 2005.
SEG 55, 0768 : exact provenance unknown.
√ 4: HD065225 : IGBulg 1046 : olim in horto musei Ph.
IGBulg 1047 : ebenso
AE 2005, 1390 [1385-1390 : Plovdiv] nichts weiter
N. Sharankov, GodDepSredIztIzsled 2, 2004, 203, Nr. 4; fig. 10; 11.
SEG 55, 0756 considered lost, found in museum (=> ZPE 151 Anm. 4.)
√ 20: HD022614 : AE 1939, 0115 : à Plovdiv
D. Cončev, AA 1938, 203, Nr. 2
√ 21: HD031344 : AE 1903, 0245 : à Philippopoli.
E. Kalinka, Antike Denkmäler in Bulgarien (Wien 1906) 293-294, Nr. 374 : Philippopel Museum
CIL 03, 14207, 14 : Philippopoli
G. Seure, BCH 25, 1901, 312-313, Nr. 7.
AE 1902, 0135.
V. Dobrusky, SborNarodSofia 18, 1901, 774, Nr. 82
√ 24: HD044459 : IGBulg 5462 : Ph. anno 1975 rep., nun iacet ...
SEG 47, 1098.-
AE 1999, 1392 [1391-1394 : Plovdiv] prov. exacte inconnue.
√ 25: HD044489 : V. Beševliev, Spätgriechische und spätlateinische Inschriften aus Bulgarien (Berlin 1964) 149, Nr. 217; Taf. 92, 240 : gefunden in den Ruinen eines frühbyzantinischen Gebäudes in der Straße P.R. Slaveikov (vermutlich sekundär verwende) jetzt im archäol. Museum.
Für Slaveikov finde ich nur eine Grundschule (Nachalno uchiliše Petko Rachev Slaveikov) zwischen Bul. St. Peterburg und ul. Slavjanskaja
√ 30: HD037958 : AE 2007, 1257 dans un édifice du IIe-IVe s. accolé aux murailles de la ville.
N. Sharankov, in: L.F. Vagalinski (Hrsg.), The lower Danube in antiquity (VI c. BC - VI c. AD). International Archeological Conference, Tutrakan 2005 (Sofia 2007) 181-184; fig. 1. - AE 2007.

=> 26732 "Eirene", Peristylhaus, bei
23: HD043084 : AE 2002, 1270.
N. Sharankov - S. Cherneva-Tilkiyan, ArchBulg 6, 3, 2002, 54-55; fig. 2. engraved on a base re-used for building material in a Late Antique drain ... was found in 1984 by Z. Karov and M. B. during their excavations near the so-called "Eirene" building
SEG 52, 0708 : Syenite molded funerary altar [and not a base, as described by, Chaniotis] found re-used in a Late Antique drain in 1984. N.Sharankov, S.Cherneva-Tilkiyan, art.cit. ( SEG 52 705) 54/55 (ph.). L. Crispinus Epagathos was a freedman of Kappadokian origin, who acquired citizenship in Philippopolis (


=> 26731 Bulevard 6-ti Septemvri
27: HD065159 : AE 2005, 1378.
V. Gerasimova-Tomova, in: F. Beutler - W. Hameter (Hrsg.), "Eine ganz normale Inschrift" ... und ähnliches zum Geburtstag von Ekkehard Weber. Festschrift zum 30. April 2005 (Wien 2005) 278-281; Abb. 3 : Im Jahre 1988 bei Ausgrabungen in der Strasse "6-ti Septemvri" in Plovdiv wurde eine vollständig erhaltene Marmorara ... gefunden.
SEG 55, 0761 : Marble base with moulding above and below; on the upper moulding a rosette and akroteria. Now in the Museum in Plovdiv. V.Gerassimova-Tomova in op.cit. (cf. SEG 55 760) 278-281 (ph.; German translation). Cf. N.Sharankov, An.Ép. (2005) [2008] 466/467 no. 1378 and art.cit. (cf. SEG 55 729) 529/530 no. 12..

=> 26730 Kleine Basilika Plan S. 57 u. 59 - in google markiert (bul. Knjaginja Maria Luiza)
28 <= 29: HD057004 : AE 2003, 1574.
V. Gerassimova, ArchBulg 6, 2, 2002, 81; Abb. 2a u. b : Stifterinschriften aus der kleinen Basilika in Plovdiv; 2: Im Bauschutt der Kleinen Basilika wurden drei Bruchstücke der Wandverkleidung entdeckt... Zur Lage s.55-76
SEG 52, 0710 (709-710) : Two inscriptions found in a basilica. V.Gerassimova, Archaeologia Bulgarica 6 (2002.3) 77-82 (dr.; ph.).: 710 : Bauinschrift
SEG 53, 0666.

=> 26749 : Theater, westliches paraskenion
33: HD065168 : AE 2005, 1376 : deux fr. jointifs de partie droite de la frise-architrave O du théatre.
N. Sharankov, ZPE 151, 2005, 240-241 : similar inscriptions... west parascenion.

=> 21479 Theater

34: HD065169 : AE 2005, 1379 : Plovdiv inscr. rel. au koinon dans le théatre.
V. Gerasimova-Tomova, in: F. Beutler - W. Hameter (Hrsg.), "Eine ganz normale Inschrift" ... und ähnliches zum Geburtstag von Ekkehard Weber. Festschrift zum 30. April 2005 (Wien 2005) 282-283; Abb. 4 : Bei den Ausgrabungen des Theaters Plovdiv wurde ... eine ara ... entdeckt
N. Sharankov, ArchBulg 9, 2, 2005, 59-60, Nr. 2a : found in 1968 in the theater of Ph. (Botusarova/Kolarova 1971,88 : **Godisnik na Narodnija arheologiceski Musej Plovdiv 7, 75-97**)
SEG 55, 0755 : Marble base with moulding above and below; on the upper surface three cuttings, one of which has the shape of the right foot of a statue; found in the Roman theater in 1968. V.Gerassimova-Tomova, art.cit. (see SEG 55 760) 282/283 (dr.; German translation); republished by N.Sharankov, Archaeologia Bulgarica 9.2 (2005) 59/60 no. 2(a) (ph.; translation) and art.cit. (cf. SEG 55 729) 519/520 no. 2. Cf. An.Ép. (2005) [2008] 467 no. 1379.

10: HD065223 : IGBulg 5468 : Philippopoli rep. a. 1969 in ruinis theatri Romani.
AE 1999, 1394.
SEG 47, 1088 : Statue base found in 1969 in the Roman theatre. in IGBulg V 5468 (ph.).
AE 2005, 1384 : 1380-1384 bases de statues dans le *théâtre*.
N. Sharankov, ArchBulg 9, 2, 2005, 66-67, Nr. 3c : found in 1969 in the theatre of Ph., now placed in the pulpitum of the theatre (nichts weiter)
SEG 55, 0759.-

=> 26739 Theater, summa cavea
31: HD065153 : AE 2005, 1385 : dans le *théâtre*.
N. Sharankov, GodDepSredIztIzsled 2, 2004, 198-199, Nr. 1. : found in 1969 in the theatre of Ph.
SEG 55, 0765 : Marble block belonging to a box (‘loge’) in the *summa cavea* of the theater. N.Sharankov, Nov Bălgarski Universitet 2 (2004) 198/199 no. 1 (based on a copy made by the Plovdiv Museum). Non vidimus. See An.Ép. (2005) [2008] 469/470 no. 1385..

=> 26736 Theater, sekundär verwendet

2: HD065219 : AE 2005, 1380 : 1380-1384 bases de statues dans le *théâtre*.
N. Sharankov, ArchBulg 9, 2, 2005, 55-58, Nr. 1 : found in the theatre of Ph. in a fourth century staircase where it had been re-used ...
SEG 55, 0753 : keine Angabe.

=> 26238 S. Nedelya, bei, sekundär verwendet
Orthodox church of St. Kyriaki (in Bulgarian "Sveta Nedelya") in Plovdiv was built in its current appearance in 1831 - 1832 by Petko Petkov - a master builder from town of Bratsigovo.

26: HD044490 : CIL 03, 06121 : Philippopoli kata ten enorian tes agias Kuriakes eis to teichos enos tzamíou (?)
CIL 03, 07409 : ebenso
E. Kalinka, Antike Denkmäler in Bulgarien (Wien 1906) 25, Nr. 29 Philippopel Museum, viereckige Marmorplatte (=> CIL...)
IGR 1, 0712.
ILS 5337.
IGBulg 0878; tab. 1, 878.
PIR (2. Aufl.) P 96.
N. Sharankov, in: L.F. Vagalinski (Hrsg.), The Lower Danube in antiquity (VI c. BC - VI c. AD). International Archaeological Conference, Tutrakon 2005 (Sofia 2007), 186.

=> 26734 Forum, sekundär verwendet

22: HD043082 : AE 2002, 1267.
I. Lozanov, in: L.R. Slokoska - R.T. Ivanov - V.N. Dinčev (Hrsg.), The Roman and late Roman city. The International Conference, Veliko Turnovo 2000 (Sofia 2002). 290-292; fig. 1. - AE 2002.
SEG 52, 0706 : Marble base found re-used in the forum. V.Gerassimova - M.Martinova, Bulletin des musées de la Bulgarie du Sud-Est 19 (1993) 65-71 (in Bulgarian; English and French summary; ph.); non vidimus. Republished by I.Lozanov in The Roman and Late Roman City (cf. SEG 52 692) 290-292 (in Bulgarian; English summary; ph.). N.Sharankov, Annuaire du musée archéologique, Plovdiv 9 (2004.2) 148-153, presents an improved edition, recognizing that the honored emperor is Domitian and not Vespasian; non vidimus; see M.Sève - N.Sharankov, An.Ép. (2002) [2005] no. 1267..


=> 26735 Batkun, bei, Asclepius-Heiligtum

7: HD065226 : IGBulg 1144 [Batkun : loco, qui Hajdusko Cladance vocatur et 25 km mer-occ. versus a monasterio sv. Petar i Pavel et 4,5 km a vico dicto Batkun situs est, Asclepieum erat] Repertus in Asclepieo ad vicum Batkun
IGBulg 1170; tab. 103, 1170.
AE 2005, 1391.
N. Sharankov, ArchBulg 9, 2, 2005, 67-68, Nr. 3d : found in the sanctuary of Asclepius Zymydrenus near Batkun, now in the Arch. Museum in Plovdiv
SEG 55, 0767 IGBulg III. 1.1144 + 1170 1. N.Sharankov, Archaeologia Bulgarica 9.2 (2005) 67/68 no. 3 (d) (ph.), shows that these two fragments join and presents the following text..

=> 26745 {"Eirene", Peristylhaus}, sekundär verwendet

18: HD065155 : AE 2005, 1387 : remploi ... édifice datant de l’Antiquité tardive.
N. Sharankov, GodDepSredIztIzsled 2, 2004, 199-200, Nr. 2 : вторят надпис, който обнародваме тук, е открит ... преупотребен в късноантична построика така наречен сграда Еирене (Die zweite Inschrift
die hier verkündet Es ist offen ... Übernutzung stöckige Gebäude in der Spätantike
so genannte Gebäude Eirene)
SEG 55, 0771 : Fragment of a marble cornice; inscription above a frieze with palmettes; reused in a late antique building. N.Sharankov, art.cit. (see SEG 55 765) 200 no. 2 (dr.), based on a copy made by the Plovdiv Museum: [- -]υσιάρχου ΝΟ[- - - -].

=> 26746 {Archäologisches Museum}, sekundär verwendet

Das archäologische Museum ist zwar ein moderner Bau, scheint aber neben/auf den Fundamenten eines älteren Gebäudes zustehen (lt. Homepage Renovierung)

19: HD065156 : AE 2005, 1388 : [1385-1390 : Plovdiv] en remploi dans le socle de l’édifice du Musée de Plovdiv
N. Sharankov, GodDepSredIztIzsled 2, 2004, 200-201, Nr. 3; fig. 4.
SEG 55, 0770 : Fragment of a syenite block reused in the socle of the Plovdiv Museum. N.Sharankov, art.cit. (see SEG 55 765) 200 no. 3 (ph).


=> 21483 Forum

3: HD065203 : AE 2007, 1252 [1252-1255 : inscriptions gr. du *forum* de la ville romaine].
V. Gerasimova, NSE 3, 2, 2007, 75-78, Nr. 1
14: HD065205 : AE 2007, 1254.
V. Gerasimova, NSE 3, 2, 2007, 95, Nr. 10
32: HD065167 : AE 2007, 1255.
V. Gerasimova, NSE 3, 2, 2007, 86-89, Nr. 6; tab. 8, 10; 9, 11. - AE 2007.
N. Sharankov, in: A. Iakidou (Hrsg.) Thrace in the Greco-Roman world.
Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Thracology, Komotini- Alexandroupolis (Athens 2007) 522-523, Nr. 3
13: HD065214 : AE 2004, 1312 [1310-1312: inscriptions nouvelles de l’*agora* hel. et rom.].
SEG 54, 0653 : 651-653: Inscriptions found in the Hellenistic-Roman Agora. E.Kessyakova, Annuaire du musée archéologique, Plovdiv 9 (2004.2) 11-27..
Kommentar : E. Kessyakova, ANMP 9, 2, 2004, 27
9: HD065213 : AE 2004, 1311 [1310-1312: inscriptions nouvelles de l’*agora* hel. et rom.] .
SEG 54, 0652 : 651-653: Inscriptions found in the Hellenistic-Roman Agora. E.Kessyakova, Annuaire du musée archéologique, Plovdiv 9 (2004.2) 11-27.
AE 2006, 1253.
N. Sharankov, SocClass 1, 2006, 195, Nr. II, 2

=> 26747 Parembole - Rakovski - {Belozem}

5: HD065343 : AE 2007, 1258 : Belozem (Parembole), terr. de Plovdiv.
N. Sharankov, in: L.F. Vagalinski (Hrsg.), The lower Danube in Antiquity (VI c. BC - VI c. AD). International Archaeological Conference, Tutrakan 2005 (Sofia 2007) 186; fig. 4. - AE 2007.
SEG 57, 0636 : Marble stele with a funerary banquet in relief (two men, a woman, and two slaves); *found at Belozem*. N.Sharankov in L.F.Vagalinski (ed.), The Lower Danube in Antiquity (VI c. B.C.-VI c. A.D.). International Archaeological Conference. Bulgaria - Tutrakan, 6-7.10.2005 (Sofia 2007) 186 (ph.). See N.Sharankov, An.Ép. (2007) [2009] no. 1258..


=> 26748 {Marica, Fluss}, bei, spätantikes Gebäude (Brücke?), sekundär verwendet

zusammen mit 7 anderen Inschriften, die Eradierung von Kaisernamen zeigen

6: HD065341 : AE 2007, 1256 : Plovdiv .. en remploi dans une constr. 2e moitié 3e s.
N. Sharankov, in: A. Iakovidou (Hrsg.), Thrace in the Graeco-Roman world.
Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Thracology, Komotini - Alexandroupolis 2005 (Athens 2007) 525, Nr. 7 : reused in a structure (bridge?) at the river Hebros (modern Marica)
Mus.: HSF II-194
SEG 57, 0625 : Moulded marble base; the inscription is badly damaged; found in 1988 reused in an ancient bridge (?) over the river Hebros (modern Maritsa); now in the Plovdiv Archaeological Museum. N.Sharankov, art.cit. (see SEG 57 619) 525 no. 7 (ph.; translation). Id., An.Ép. 2007 [2010] no. 1256, reprints the text, noting the absence of any mention of a governor; the omission is typical for the reign of Elagabalus. Cf. A.Avram, BE (2009) no. 337..
17: HD065314 : AE 2006, 1247 : [1247-1251: près de la rivière Marica (Hebros); Konstr. 3./4.Jh., sekundär verwendet].
N. Sharankov, BIAB 39, 2006, 234-235, Nr. 1 - Mus. NSF II-192
12: HD065320 : AE 2006, 1248.
N. Sharankov, BIAB 39, 2006, 235-237, Nr. 2
15: HD065321 : AE 2006, 1249.
N. Sharankov, BIAB 39, 2006, 237-238, Nr. 3
8: HD065322 : AE 2006, 1250 .
N. Sharankov, BIAB 39, 2006, 238-240, Nr. 4;
11: HD065323 : AE 2006, 1251.
N. Sharankov, BIAB 39, 2006, 240-242, Nr. 5
16: HD065332 : AE 2006, 1254 [1242-1254 Plovdiv: 3 familles] près de la riv. Marica, remploi dans une constr. 3./4. s. ; Mus.: NSF II-195
N. Sharankov, SocClass 1, 2006, 196-198, Nr. III, 1; fig. 10


nach 26239 S. Petka, Kirche, bei
Lokalisiert durch

HD022617 : AE 1939, 0116.
CIL 03, 00746 : Philippopoli non longe a templo S. Venerandae muro antiquo inserta [= Sveta Petka]
D. Cončev, AA 1938, 203-204, Nr. 3; Abb. 4. - AE 1939.
CIL 03, 14207, 13 : Philippopoli

TM Geo-ID:
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Work Status:

8 inscription(s) from this findspot

HD022614: Honorific inscription from Philippopolis – Plovdiv (Thracia)
HD031344: Epitaph from Philippopolis – Plovdiv (Thracia)
HD037958: Honorific inscription from Philippopolis – Plovdiv (Thracia)
HD044459: Epitaph from Philippopolis – Plovdiv (Thracia)
HD044489: Inscription from Philippopolis – Plovdiv (Thracia)
HD065224: Epitaph from Philippopolis – Plovdiv (Thracia)
HD065225: Honorific inscription from Philippopolis – Plovdiv (Thracia)
HD082721: Epitaph from Philippopolis – Plovdiv (Thracia)
