Geographic Database

Thasus, bei – Kabála (Thásos, A. Marina, Kirche, sekundär verwendet)

Canonical URI: (Last Updates: 2015-05-26 , Klar)

Leaflet | Map Data: DARE
ancient find spot:
Thasus, bei
modern find spot:
find spot:
Thásos, A. Marina, Kirche, sekundär verwendet
Anatolikí Makedonía, Thráki
501634 (Thasos)
Thásos ca. 6 m - 734094 - GR » East Macedonia and Thrace » Kavala » Thasos - population : 3234
Fundstelle: nicht mit letzter Sicherheit festzustellen, ob die heutige Kapelle durch Restaurierung der byzantinischen Reste entstanden ist, oder ob es sich um einen Neubau handelt; von einer Ortskontinuität ist wohl auszugehen
Adresse über Google gefunden (Ekklisia Agia Marina, Thasos)
An dieser Stelle befindet sich eine winzige Kapelle, die weder auf der Karte noch als Gebäude eine Namensangabe hat.
Lokalisierung bestätigt durch Bild mit Info:
This beautiful church is situated off the town by-pass and is more or less opposite a closed down supermarket There is a road sign Ag MARIA 400 METRES [an der Abzweigung von der Hauptstraße, etwas unleserlich] It is in walking distance from the Aberdeen studios taking about half an hour.
This church is situated in peaceful surroundings and has a water tap in the grounds.It is not unusual to see workmen fill up their water bottles from the spring water.Notice the tree at the side of the church which is 300 years old and if you follow the rope on the trunk you see the church bell above in the branches..Inside the church is also very interesting-notice the lectern with a painting of Saint Marina with little devil at her feet just as she is ready to obliterate him. A remarkable church in a very lovely setting.
1: HD043614 : M. Šašel Kos, Inscriptiones Latinae in Graecia repertae. Additamenta ad CIL III (Faenza 1979) 106, Nr. 249 [Thasus insula] Repertum est meridiem et occidentem versus a sinu insulae Thasis (Limena) in loco Hag. Marina, ubi erat in muro prope absida ecclesiae Byzantinae dirutae, in fundamentis antiquioribus aedificatae, quorum aliquot reliquiae in opus absumptae adhuc conservatae sunt. => ArchEphem. 1909 (nicht in HD); JHS 29 94 : From the ruins of the small byzantine church of Hagia Marina, south-west of Limena; the church is largely composed of classical fragments
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1 inscription(s) from this findspot

HD043614: Epitaph from Thasus, bei – Kabála (Thracia)
