Geographic Database

Salonae, bei – Solin (Ulica Franje Tuđmana, antiker Kanal, sekundär verwendet)

Canonical URI: (Last Updates: 2019-11-06 , Klar)

ancient find spot:
Salonae, bei
modern find spot:
find spot:
Ulica Franje Tuđmana, antiker Kanal, sekundär verwendet
Splitsko-dalmatinska županija
197488 (Salona) The Barrington Atlas Directory notes: Solin CRO
Solin ca. 15 m 3190359- P PPL populated place Croatia HR » Split-Dalmatia 15 » Solin 11054720- population : 20212 43.5432, 16.49314
1: HD064642 : AE 2006, 1014 : Salone, Urbs Noua Orientalis (zone archéologique à l'est de la ville). En 2002, lors de fouilles rue Dr. F. Tudjman; en remploi dans la paroi d'un canal antique
J. Jeličić-Radonić, HortusArtMed 12, 2006, 46. 53-54; fig. 7.
43 : The eastern part of Salona, Urbs orientalis is intersected by many channels of the deltaic mouth of the Jadro river ... investigations have determined the course of the eastern part of the main channel ... Here was the forum with atemple dedicated to Jupiter, parts of which are built into the embankments of the channel of the river in the form of spolia
45: ... in the lower part of the new Ulica dr. F. Tuđmana, part of a canal was found, which from the main channel of the river went on towards the west (plot no 3373/13-8232, the western end of plot no 4934 ... in 2002 part of a channel ... was excavated ... In the western wall of the canal, an altar was found built in as spolia
Res.: Upravo na pravcu kanala otkrivenog u Ulici dr. F. Tuđmana, sto je vjerojatno pratio rijecni rukava, pruža se bankina u istočnome dijelu Ulice S. Radića ...
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1 inscription(s) from this findspot

HD064642: Votive inscription from Salonae, bei – Solin (Dalmatia)
