Geographic Database

Scupi – Skopje, Karpoš (Zlokuḱani, bei, römisches Theater, bei)

Canonical URI: (Last Updates: 2017-03-07 , Klar)

Leaflet | Map Data: DARE
ancient find spot:
modern find spot:
Skopje, Karpoš
find spot:
Zlokuḱani, bei, römisches Theater, bei
Skopski region
Zlokukjani (Zlokucani,Zlokukjani,Zlokućani) ca. 257 m - 859077 - P PPL populated place
Macedonia MK - 42.015, 21.38556
Населени места во Општина Карпош : … Рурални … * Злокуќани
Zur Fundstelle cf. Marjeta ŠaŠel Kos : a gliMpse into stonecutters’ worKshops in scupi, upper Moesia … the centre of scupi is located five km to the northwest of skopje, at the foot of the hill ‘Zajcev (or Zajci) rid’ near the village of Zlokucani (fig. 1). on the hill of Zajcev rid an indigenous Dardanian settlement was excavated, whose existence is also confirmed by the pre-roman, probably Dardanian, toponym (6). somewhere within the area of scupi,
1: HD001073 : AE 1983, 0873.
S. Dušanić, ZAnt 33, 1983, 17; fig. 1. - AE 1983.
IMS 6, 029 : [Scupi et son territoire] Mise au jour en 1957 à Zlokucani, non loin des ruines du téâtre romain, au cours des travaux de terrassement servant à l'installation de la conduite d'eau pour l'observatoire de Zajci Rid. Les restes de mortier indiquent son remploi à une date postérieure
AE 1977, 0730.
B. Josifovska-Dragojević, in: Mélanges helléniques offerts à Georges Daux (Paris 1974) 190
1: HD036002 : IMS 6, 038 : Zlokucani. Trouvé non loin du théatre antique. => Spomenik 98 no 435
Heraclea Lyncestis, bei entfernt
TM Geo-ID:
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2 inscription(s) from this findspot

HD001073: Honorific inscription from Scupi – Skopje, Karpoš (Moesia superior)
HD036002: Epitaph from Scupi – Skopje, Karpoš (Moesia superior)
