Geographic Database

Maroneia – Maróneia-Sápes (Maroneia, Palaiochora, frühchristliche Basilika, nördliches Seitenschiff, Kapelle, sekundär verwendet)

Canonical URI: (Last Updates: 2015-06-16 , Klar)

Leaflet | Map Data: DARE
ancient find spot:
modern find spot:
find spot:
Maroneia, Palaiochora, frühchristliche Basilika, nördliches Seitenschiff, Kapelle, sekundär verwendet
Anatolikí Makedonía, Thráki
Nach Epigraphes S. 337 liegt Palaiochora (sic, übernommen) auf dem Hügel neben dem Hafen.
Marker auf den dortigen basilikaförmigen Resten.
Aus ist zu vermuten, dass es zwei Basiliken gegeben hat, während den Marker zu bestätigen scheint (s.u.)
1: HD065216 : AE 2000, 1285.
S. Dukata-Demertzi, AErgoMak 13, 1999, 23-24; Foto. - AE 2000.
SEG 49, 0886.
AE 2004, 1297.
S. Dukata, AD 54 B, 1999, 731, Nr. 1. - AE 2004.
SEG 54, 0640.
AE 2005, 1348.
L.D. Loukopoulou - A. Zournatzi - M.G. Parissaki - S. Psoma (Hrsg.), Epigraphes tis Thrakis tou Aigaiou metaxy ton potamon Nestou kai Ebrou (Nomoi Xanthis, Rodopis kai Ebrou). (Athinai 2005) 369-371, Nr. E 185 : βρεθηκε το 1999
στην Παληοχωρα Μαρωνειας εντοιχισμενο σε τοιχο των νοτιων προσκτισματων μονοχωρου λασποκτιστου μεσοβυζαντινου ναυδριου ιδρυμενου στο βορειο κλιτος της παλαιοχριστιανικης βασιλικης (im Jahr 1999 festgestellt in Paliochora Maronia angebracht auf Wand südlichen Nebengebäude Zimmer laspoktistou Middle byzantinische Kapelle im nördlichen Seitenschiff gegründet der frühchristlichen Basilika)
SEG 55, 0744.
(Early Christian remains from Maroneia include funerary inscriptions and vaulted-roofed Tombs at the site of Parathyra, within the bounds of ancient Maroneia, the atrium of a large basilica with sixth- century mosaic floors at the site of Palochora, a second basilica on the site, where a magnificent church was built in the eleventh century, while a Third basilica has been located below The chapel of the Virgin at The site of Aghios Charalambos. This basilica is connected with a bath installation (balneae), part of which has already been uncovered. The numerous marble architectural members in The Archaeological Collection of Maroneia come from These basilicas and possibly others.)
Byzantine Maroneia
In Early Christian and Byzantine times, the area of Maroneia was restricted around the seashore, and the city thus became a prosperous harbour in the North Aegean. Investigations in Byzantine Maroneia started in the 1960's and revealed rich ecclesiastical and secular buildings.
In the frame of restoration that took place, the triconch sanctuary of the basilica at the site of Synaxis was reconstructed and the mosaic of the NW chapel was removed and replaced; also removed was the mosaic floor of the atrium of the basilica at Paleochora.

The most important monuments of the site are:
The barrel-vaulted churches of the Early Christian period at the site called Parathyra, in Maroneia.
The Early Christian basilica of the 6th century A.D., with mosaic floor, part of the Byzantine settlement, and cemetery of the "dark age". All the monuments are located at the site of Paleochora, 100 m. away from Agios Charalambos.
Byzantine monastery over the ruins of a Justinianian three-aisled basilica with transept. The eastern, triconch part of the church is built with curved marble blocks taken from a Roman heroon. It was located at the site of Synaxis and is being excavated since 1985.
Part of a bath installation dated to the period of Justinian A' conch of a church decorated with a wall-painting of a foliate cross, dated to the second phase of the Iconomachy, under a church of the 11/12th century; the fortification walls (bulwark, rampart) of the castle of Maroneia, with rectangular, circular towers and wine-presses. It was excavated at the coastal settlement of Agios Charalambos, 6 km. far from the community of Maroneia, where the harbour of the ancient and Byzantine city was located.)
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1 inscription(s) from this findspot

HD065216: Public legal inscription from Maroneia – Maróneia-Sápes (Thracia)
