Geographic Database

Frecăţei (Teliţa, südwestlich, La Hogea, spätantike Töpferei, sekundär verwendet)

Canonical URI: (Last Updates: 2021-04-29 , Gräf)

ancient find spot:
modern find spot:
find spot:
Teliţa, südwestlich, La Hogea, spätantike Töpferei, sekundär verwendet
Telița ca. 154 m - 665273 - RO » Tulcea 37 » Comuna Frecăţei - population : 720
"În punctul „La Hogea”, într-o zonă deluroasă şi împădurită, la vest de satul Teliţa, a fost cercetat un complex meşteşugăresc de epocă romană (sec. IV p.Chr.). Au fost dezvelite locuinţe, un atelier de prelucrare a ceramicii, trei cuptoare de olar şi un cuptor pentru materiale de construcţie."
Google-Translation: "In dem Punkt "La Hogea", in einem hügeligen und bewaldeten Gebiet westlich des Dorfes Telita, wurde ein Handwerkskomplex aus der Römerzeit erforscht (4. Jahrhundert n. Chr.). Häuser, eine Töpferwerkstatt, drei Töpferöfen und ein Ofen für Baumaterialien wurden enthüllt."
"In the location of La Hogea, situated to the south-west of the locality of Teliţa, Frecăţei commune, Tulcea county, during the years 1982-1992 we excavated a Roman workshop from the 4th century AD, specializing in processing and burning coarsewares. We excavated about 85% of the 1 ha area occupied by the entire place, without succeeding in specifying the east and west borders. Following the uncovering of some Roman constructions specific of the economic activities meant for pottery manufacturing, in the years 1994-1995 we carried out consolidation works at the walls on the north side of the complex, and rebuilt the larger fireplace, destined for burning pottery used in constructions. While clearing out the archaeological sites and rebuilding the fallen walls, we opened in the east part two trenches in sector "b", to the north, and one in sector "a", to the south. The first two control trenches - S25 and S26 revealed the east border of the place in both constructive phases, once again proving its extension towards the north during the second half of the 4th century AD. We uncovered three bronze coins, an amber fragment, a bronze sheet fragment and a pot sherd covered with green olive glaze. The rest of the material uncovered consists of fragmentary pottery, usually unspecific sherds."

V.H. Baumann, Peuce 11, 2013, 82-83, Nr. 2.2: "Complexul de olarit din sec. al IV-lea p. Chr., de pe Valea Morilor, din punctul Hogea, aflat in extemitatea de vest a localitatii Telit, se alfa intr-o zona care, din antichitate, a fost si a ramas pana in prezent, impadurita. In cursul sapaturilor au fost desoperite si obiecte anterioare sec. IV, printre care monede romane timpurii, partea inferioara a unui altar votiv ... Intr-una din constructiile stabilimentului, altrarul a folosit a baza pentru sustinerea unui stalp, dar grija cu care suprafata scrisa a fost asezata in jos, pentru a fi protejata, ne indeamna sa credem ca mesterii din sec. IV, care insotisera gestul lor cu o moneda de argint, denar de la Diva Augusta Faustine, pusa sub altar, aveau stiinta de caracterul cultual al monumentului."
TM Geo-ID:
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1 inscription(s) from this findspot

HD082760: Votive inscription from Frecăţei (Moesia inferior)
