Politically independent municipality or city (cf. in contrast: town or city quarter of a politically independent municipality or a city = "find spot (village, street, etc.)")
Search by means of entry or choice.Spelling:
- In the language of the country. Preference is given to the Guidelines in J.C. Bartholomew, The Times atlas of the world (London 1987) or the geographical database GeoNames.
In the case of Arabic names translitteration according to DIN 31635 the Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft (DMG) (in Text and Photographic database these have not been carried out completely). - Accents and Umlaute are ignored.
Note: Since the territory areas of ancient and modern findspots are normally not identical, it is possible, that several names of modern findspots correspond to one ancient findspot or territory. Genuine lack of clarity, which unfortunately often cannot be solved, results from imprecise findspot documentation.
Autocomplete is ordered by number of hits (shown in brackets), not alphabetically (first 20 hits); case-insensitive. If none of autocomplete entries is chosen (=> no number of results at the end of string like " (352)", if necessary remove it by hand) then the entry is truncated automatically (front & back); special characters/diacritics (äöüé...) are ignored.